D002091CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI� MAYOR � u nnNmvisrxn� o�� No: � r� o � d �J D�: i� -l� -� J ADMINISTRA'I`SVE ORDER, that pucsuant to ChapteL 86.03 of Administcative Code, the propec City officials aze hereby authorized to execute the following lease agreements that ate one year or less in duration. Vendor City Academy at Wilder City Academy at Phalen Lakeside Dist. 12 St. Anthony Pazk Comm. Council Dist. 14 Edgcumbe Macalester / Groveland Dist. 14 Kids Pazk at Groveland Distriet 1 Community Council District 15 Highland District Council Disuict 16 Summit Hill Association Equity Home Services - North End Multi - S Lex Ham Community CouncIl - Dunning Neighborhood House Comadres - Baker Norkh End News R.A.P. Aeadstart at Baker hool First (Americorp) eighbor to Neighbor St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. - Rice Teatro del Puebro at Baker West Side Safe Neighborhood at Baker Youth Service Bureau at Baker Lease Date 07lO1/00 - 06/30/Ol 09lO1/00 - 08/31/Ol Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Ol 01101/Ol - 12/31/Ol Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Ol 01f01101 - 12f31/Ol Ol/01101 - 12/31/Ol Ol/Oi101 -12/31/Ol Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Ol Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Oi Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/01 Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Ol Ol/Oi(Ol - 12/31/Ol Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Ol 04/01101 - 12l31lOi Ol/01101 - 12/31/Ol O1J01101 - 12i31101 01/Ol/Ol - 12/31/Oi Ol/Ol/Ol - 12/31/01 Lease Descri�tion Wilder Rec. - Charter Sckool Space Phalen Lksd. - Charter School Space So. 5t. Anthony Rec. - Office Space Edgcumbe Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Groveland Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Conway Rec. Cu. - Office Sgace Hillcrest Rec. Cu. - Office Space Linwood Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Dunning Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office 5pace Rice Rec. Cu. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Cu. - Office 5pace Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Sgace Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Of6ce 5pace Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space APPROVED AS TO FORM `� ,'1 �sistsnt ciry nuomey �J Date Adminislrative Asaislant to Mayor � � �oa ab 9� OFPARTMENT/OfFIGFJCOUNCIL DATEINIT7ATm GREEN SHEET r�� NO 710076 Parks and Recreation 08/29/Ot �7 NTACT P6150N ANO PfiONE INITIAIAATE lNIT1P1l�ATE c Wittgenstein - 266 - 6409 ssr,n � o�rusn�e+r w�cioa � arr couria� xueaeEx coa RaJ�1NG / MU5f BE ON COUNdL AGENOA BY �DATp �� A ����� � CI'fY CL941C NA g.r+ NANCIALSERVIGESDIfl. ❑ RNANCIALSHiV/ACCIG � MAYQft (OR AS515CM1T1 � TOTAL t OF SIQNATLAE PAGFS GIIP ALL IOCAT10N6 Wfl SKXIATWEI ACi10N REQUESTm_ Approval of the attached Administrative Order a�thorizing proper city officials in the Division of Parks and Recreation to execute all lease agreements that mature in 2001, and are one year or less in duration, pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code. flECOMMEN0AT10NS: Approve W mqejett(RI V6t40NAL86MCECON7RAGTSMUSTANSWBtTXEiOLLOWiNQ4UE8ilON8: PI.ANNING COMMISSION t. Ho this pr+soNtirm evu worked u�Mer e coMratt for tho departmmt7 CIB GOMMITTEE YES NO -- CNIL SFAVICE COMMISSfON 2. Nes tNS perooNfirm ever been a ciry employeel A StaH YES NO 3. Does thb pe.aon/firm pmaea a akill �w[ normdly pos¢esaed by any currant tiry employea? YES No 4. la tMe peraoMirm a brpeted vendx7 YES NO Expdn dl Yp emren on wPemro �Met wl aheeh b tl�een aheet. 'ITIATING PqOBLEM, I55UE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whe4 When, Whcre, Whyl: ccording to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code, all leases of one year or less in duration shall be initiated and authorized by the Administrative Order. ADVANTAGES IF APPflO VED: Upon approval, the process of entering into leases and receiving payments from the lesse agreements will be init+ated. DISADVANTAGES If MPftOVED; � a ��, v S e aa None. � ffi t/ 9 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � c � / � � §-qp^yg g �� .( � �� L 9 B�6 i k�l 6�� 9 The divisfon would be unable to enter into lease agreements ot a one year duration or less. TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED ICIRCLE ONEI VES NO , WNdNG SOIfiCE ACi1NTY NUMBBt FNANGPL INF�RMATION: IEXPWNI , ��� ��� fl�c s zom G:IFMIWPUeare.wpd cr�� c� e��