D002090CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF Tf� MAYOR ��� a� 9a No- ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER � DB�: �a-�-o � ADMTNISTRATIVE ORDER, that pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of Administrative Code, the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute the following lease agreements that are one yeaz or less in dutation. Vendor City Academy at Wilder City Academy at Phalen Lakeside D'a�t. 12 St. Anthony Pazk Comm. Council Dist. 14 Edgcumbe Macalester ! Groveland Dist. 14 Kids Pazk at Groveland Disuict 1 Community Council District 15 HigSiland Distrlct Council District 16 Summit Hill Association Equity Home Services - North End Multi - S Lex Ham Community CouncIl - Dunning Neighborhood House Comadres - Baker North End News R.A.P. Headstart at Baker A.P. Headstart at Rice chool First (Amecicorp) Neighbor to Neighbor St. Paul Youth Services, Inc. - Rice Teauo del Puebro at Baker West Side Safe Neighborhood at Baker Youth Service Buceau at Baker Lease Date 07/01/01 - 06/30i02 09J01i01 - 08/31i02 O1l01102 - 12l31/02 01101lOZ - 12l31102 Ol/Ol/02 - 12/31102 O1J01/02 - 12/31/02 01/01/02 - 12/31/02 O1/01J02 - 12131f02 01f01J02 - 12f31/02 O1l01/02 - 12/31/02 O110ll02 - 12/31/02 O1f01l02 - 12/31/02 Ol/01102 - 12f31l02 08/Ol/Oi - 07/31lQ2 01/01/02 - 12/31/02 04J01102 - 12/31/02 O1/O1/02 - 12/31/02 Ol/Oi/02 - 12l31102 O11�1/02 - 12131lOZ 01/01/02 - 1213ll02 Lease Descrintion Wilder Rec. - Charter School Space Phalen Lksd. - Charter School Space So. St. Anthony Rec. - Office Space Fdgcumbe Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Groveland Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Conway Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Hillcrest Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Linwood Rec. Cu. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Dunning Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - O�ce Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Rice Rec. Cu. - Office Space Rice Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Qffice Space Baker Rec. Ctr. - Office Space Baker Rec. Cu. - Office Space APPROVED AS TO FORM Assistan[ City Attomey Date Adminiskative Assis[ant W Mayor ��, Parks and Recreation ACT PEIiSON AND PHONE Wittgenstein - 266 - 6409 MU5T BE ON COVNCII AGENDA BY mATp Na TOTAL t OF SItiWAiUtE PAqEB ACTION REQUESTFp: OATE IN�TIATED 08/29/01 � GREEN SHEET IN1TIAlAASE � O�ARTMHTf DIRECTOR � �;� an nrroAr+er � RNANCIAL SHiVILFS �IR. � MAVORIOAASSISfNa"n CIIP ALL IACA7bN8 FOR SlfillAtUPE) ��� lt U(/.�D NO. � Do6 ao9a Ni1T1LLlDATE � CINCOVNQL � cm avuc ❑ RNANqAtSEAV/AGCTG ❑ Approval ofi the attached Administrative Order authorizing proper city officiais in the Division of Parks and Recreation to execute alf lease agreements that mature in 2002, and are one year or less in duration, pursuant to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code. flECOMMENDATONS: Approve W or fleject Ifl1 _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ CIVfLSERVIGECOMMISSION A StaH PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTVN�TV M1Nho, WhN, When, Where. Whyl: VBiSONAL S6MCE GONiRACTS MUST ANSW9t THE FOLLOWINO DUFSTONS: 1. Xsa th'm penmJf�m evn waked urder � cmNroct fm tltia tlepMmentT YES NO 2. Mo this penoNfirm ava been a ary emPloYbt YES NO 3. Daes ttb peeaoNTmm P� a akill ml'wrmallY P��� W w+Y �rem eity empfoYaT VES NO 4. Is thie persoNlrm a tarpetM vendw7 YES NO 6qdn eP Yai amwan on wpenH aMet wW nboh m Pwn aMet. 'Rcwrding to Chapter 86.03 of the Administrative Code, alI leases of one year or less in duration shal! be initiated and authorized by the Administrative Order. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Upon approval, the process of entering into leases and receiving payments trom the lease agreements wifl be initiated. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVkV: None. � ���� �(�..0 � fi ?Si11 DISAO VANTA6ES IF NOT APPROVED �i��� �� 9 ����� The division would be unable to enter into lease agreements of a one year duration or less. TpTAL AMOUNT OF TftANSACTION COSTlREVENUEBU�GEfFA(dRCLEONEI YES NO WNDING SOUICE ACiMTY N11MBBt NNANCfAI INFOqMATON: IEXP W N) �LS1�F CGw DEC 6 2001 3:1fM WPUease2002.