D002086C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �oved coPies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER - City Clerk (Orlginal) • Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Police Dept. Accounting Unit 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 � 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 No: QQ t� � oate: /�—b—Q/ Green Sheet # 113603 Whereas, the 5aint Paul Police Department has a tradition of deeorating the Eastern District Team House for the holiday season, and Whereas, the public purpose for decorating the team house facilitates public communication between the police officers and the community during the holiday season, and NOW BE TT ORDERED, that the proper City Officials are hereby autborized and directed to purchase and pay for reimbursement of holiday trees, roping, lights, and other items used in the decoration of the Eastern District Team site, not to exceed �25�A0 . d � _� Approved by: orrrey- Date flI�C�L'C'(� '�iti •,�fJ(C(t�c"� holidaydecqrations trvi—� Tsty\�YL� iii2voi GREEN S No. 113603 . INITIAL�AT�C IKJ 1_ 1�� INRIA!lDATE �y��f�j �cm a�ac �irvwG1ALSFRV/ALRG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUES7ED 1 ❑MAYON�ORt5515TANn_ � U�MN RIGMS 1..�� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of the attached adnilnistrative order authorizing the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent to remit payxnent for decorarions purcLased for the Eastem Distdct Team Aouse fot the holiday season. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE Has this personlfirtn ever worked undu a�ntract for this department? YES NO Has this personffirtn ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNFlrm possess a skilf nat normally possessed 6y any curterrt city empioyeel YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separafe sheet and attach fo green sheet The Saint Paul Police Deputment desues to putchase holiday trees, ioping, lights, and other items used in the decoration of the Eastem Dishict Team House. REC�fil�[3 DEC 6 2001 __.. ._ ..----- �i i � cLtRY Decorating the Easterri Dishict Team House facilitates public comcmmicarion and goodwill with the police officers during the holiday season. None. )ISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED The tradirion of holiday decoxations will not be honored, and there will be a lost oppommity for public communicarion and goodwill between the police officers and the community. � AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON $ not to exceed $250.00 1NDING SOURCE General Fund (001) COST/REVENUE 6UDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO ACTIVI7YNUMBER 001-04000-03� VANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) 1