D002082CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Clerk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION $178,445 Current Budget ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granfed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 oF the City Charter and based on the request of the Diredor of the Department of Planning 8. Ecanomic Development to amend the 2001 budget of the City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the O�ce of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, CF96-891 allocated funds for the Coordinatsd Housing Program (CHIP), STAR program 77094; and WHEREAS, the program was esiabiished to provide up to thirty-five loans and granis for purchase-rehab of residential property; and WHEREAS, a loan was approved for 111 E Congress, STAR project 77305; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends the reallocation of $18,680 from the budget for the CHIP program to project code 77305 for 111 E Congress. Fund 930 City Sales Ta�c Capital Projects Fund P7-930-90305-0547-77094 Coordinated Housing Program � P7-930-90305-0547-77305 111 E Congress NetChange �1�-�--� { 1 O�S�O! ep e : A tivity Manager ( ate) • �t epartment Director (Date 'V' $0 Change ($18,680) $18,680 $0 No: d/ (�� p200 c�S Date: ���y_p� Amended Budget $159,765 $18,680 ��J/ V/ ' �� Approved b of Financial Services (Date) DEPARI'MENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INYfIATED GREEN SHEET 1vo.:110648 p�� °�Qg� PED 11/8/Ol CONTACT PERS!�N & PHONE: 'TE INTrtAi-NATE Judy L.esch, 6-6668 � z narnxl•ngrrrr nm. Brian crrr covrrcu. T BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN CCI'Y ATTORNEY� = CPI'1 CLERK NUMBER 3 FINANCIAI.SERVDII2. FINANCIALSERV/ACCTC '�R MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 ADMIN SERV DIIi. HBfllrl'1Bf ROUTIlVG ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATfJRE PAGES 1 (CLIP A7.L IACATIONS FOR SIGNAT[7RE) ACLION REQIIF,STED: Approval of attached Administrative Order to authorize reallocation of CHIP budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANS WER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fum ever worked mder a contract for this depazmient? CB COMMITfEE Yes No CNII, SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this personlfi�m ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does fltis person/firm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any ciurent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI'1'IATING PROBI,EM, ISSUE, OPPORI'IJ1VI1'Y (Whq What, WLen, WLere, WLy): The CF3IP Program was established to provide up to 35 loans and grants for neighborhood home purchase/rehab. econd-tier loan was approved for 111 E. Congress. A separate project code is needed to track the loan payments this property. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A cleaz record of loan payments DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION:$IH,E$O COST/REVEN[JEBUDCETED: rTnvnsresouxcE: ncTivrrrrnm�Ex: P7-930-90305-77094($18,680) P7-930-90305-77305 $18,680 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIIh i�� S/a F n/ T` Net effect to budget is aero