D002075City of Saint Paul a • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No:� ao �.5 Date: /b /�D� WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library will hold a staff recognition and in-house training session to be heid at the Highland Park Branch Library on October 8, 2001 at a cost not to exceed $9,000, and, W HEREAS, The Saint Paul Public Library has received donated monies from the Friends of the Library, Perrie Jones Library Fund, which will pay the entire cost for the event, NOW, THEREFORE, It Is Ordered that library officials are authorized and directed to undertake the staging of the event and remit the cost not to exceed $9,OOC for the program to the proper parties. C J APPROVED AS TO�&�l / % n , 0.� Sssist n City Attarney . )ate L� ���OB Department Hea Ad inis�As�i� p to ayor �� 5 ,; . RE�EI�/ED - SEP � 1 2001 am�rrrio�cvcovricu,: aries CONTACT PF.RSON & PHONE: Susan Cantu 266-7076 MUST BE ON COUNCTL AGENDA BY �ATE) DA`'� Il"i`r�`'`i�° GREEN SHEET i�3� sQ RNEY s�c�u� 2i, 2ooi � �cuTTSVna� snsrevna� ASSIGN i nE2�t'ix�?nTr nIlt srzi c� coi5ricu. NIJMBER FOR 2 C[LYATLOHNI3Y a c7TYCLER% ROUTING F1NnNCxALSfficvDIli s FmTeuvcL9l.s�2vlcPS�ecCr ORDEt2 MAYOR (OR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncxiox �QUESxm: Approval of an Admivistrative Order authorizing an m-house traming session combined with the annual staff recognition event funded by The Friends of the Library, Perrie Jones Library Fund. ApPiow(N erRejat (R) _PLANNINGCOMbIISSION _QVILSIILViCE COMIvIISSION _qB CONAff17EE _ _STAFF _ DTSALICT CAURT STIPPORTS WHTCHCOUNCII.OBJECIlVL+? ��e��n, s��n�u2� w�r'm�m¢-u's �rsa�s�� � �bn.aD�t� ��J����. 1. Fdes �ei5 pP1306��➢ EVCfW� 11� a GOO$eet f��BVS depeYffiCOYl 2. F188 H�iS pueo�5�ffi eVW &e0 a 6flly eo�p➢DyeC? 3. IDoes �iis peasodf�nt possess a s&n➢Y aot na�ra➢1Y ��S' �S' 6 � �Y eaeployee? - lEa�nB� � qa� �swx� �n as7�um4x elme¢Q m� wG4a¢3�4m �e¢� sfmrt¢4 � � IATING PROSLEM, ISSiJE, OPPORTiTNITY (Who, What, When, Where� Why): Library will Y�ave an all-day trainmg session combined with the annual staff recognition luncheon, at the Park Branch Library. All expenses will be paid with monies received by the Perrie Jones Library Fund. ADVANTAGESIFAPYROVED: Staff will be able to get together for an all day training session. StafF will also attend the annual staff recognition. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Staff will not have an in-house traming session. The Library will not hold its annual staff recognition. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRA.NSACTION: $ not ro esceed 9,000 �ING SOURCE: The Perrie Jones Library I�nd FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) COSTJREVENL3S BUDGETED: Yes ACTIVITY N[JMBER: 350-33424 �_. * �c� � � zoo� ���'� ���fdYi. H:MUavdW PDOCS45TAPFDAY.GRN