D002066CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AD�\'ISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: l�o o aa � G, T Date: � � tD M � / ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with various performers, including dance, song, instrumental, inter-acrive and participatory events including the staging, sound and other logistical support for these performances for Harriet Island's Target Family Day, scheduled for Saturday, September 8, 2001. The event is free and open to the publia Anticipated expenses for such items are not to exceed $O,OOO.QO. The City of Saint Paul will be reimbursed by the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation for expenses incurred in booking and paying for these performers and logistical support. Funding Code: P3-325-23141 • APPROVED AS TO FORM -,�.� - Assis[antCityAt[omey DEPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET C � n�o.i(3a51 Parks and Recreation September 5, zooa QQ p a(} CONiNCTPERSONANDPHONE INISWJDATE 7NIMVDA"fE ureen Waison ��� � �DFPARTMENT DYRECTOR CiSY COUNCIL IGN MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA'f� ��� CRYATCORNEY �CfiYCLERK _ FINANCIALSERVICESDIR � RDFR _ NA MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL #OF SIGN0.iURE PAGES _{GLIP ALl LOCA'flONS FORSIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESIED: Signature on attached Administrative Order. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) w Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _GNIISERVICECOMMISSiON � ���P��������unEeramntrac[forittistlepartmenL _qBCOMMffTEE _ VES NO {� STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNfirtn ever Eeen a ciry employee? DIS7RICT COUNCIL �S NO — 3 �oes this perso�rtn possess a skill not nortrelly possessed by any curtent ary empioyee� SUPPORTSWHICHCAUNCILOBJECTNE? `(E$ F�p Explain all yes answers on sepaat¢ sheet and alFach to green sheeL INITWTING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNRV (VJho, What, When, Whe�e, W�y) The City of Saint Paul in conjunction with the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation are sponsoring Target Family Day on Harriet Island to dedicate the newly built Target Stage. The event is being held on Saturday, September &'", 2001 and will ature a day full of entertainment, topped off with a performance by the Minnesota Orchestra and a fireworks finale. The nt is free and open to the public. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: We wiN be able to have the scheduled activity as planned and have the authority to pay for it. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�: None. DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: We wiil not be able to proceed as planned. 70TALAMOUMOFTRANSACTION.yi� {�{.AJ� - COST/REVENUEBUDGEfEDiqRCLEONE) YES NO INGSOURCE P3-325 ACTMTYNUMBER 23141 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � All expenses related to expense are being paid for by dollars raised for the event and by the Saint Paul Rivertront Corp.