D002063CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • 1 11 �; M\l_ � ; 1 _ ; C� ADMII3ISTRATIVE ORDER, No: DDb o2U�(.3 D�: �-�{ Of That the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to pay Dr. Ralph Farnsworth, Como Zoo Veterinarian , the sum of one thousand four hundred and thirty siY dollars ($1,436) to attend the 2�01 Annual Conference of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians held in Orlando, Fl, September 19-23, 2001. To be charged to acrivity code: 380-33140 • APPROVED AS TO FORM � �� ag�*�cJ ..ce�t'�� sisrant City Attorney Date �jJa�`�Q/ ( � n / `� � � Adtninistr �ve Assistant ro Mayor ,no o ab�,3 � Estimated Expenses For Conference of Am. Assn. Zoo Veterinarians Orlando Fl, Sept 19-23, 2001 Trauel Air Fare Hotel 5 nights @ $142.00 Registration fee Meals 5 days @ $ 35 Travel to and from airports • 171.00 710.00 295.00 175.OQ 85.00 Total 1,436.00 • DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNdL Parks and Recreation CONTACT PERSpN AND fliONE DA7EINRIATED GREEN SHEET �o S'� 17 Aug O7 tor L. Camp, 487-8202 �GN NUMBfA WN �, ft01JlING/ MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) OROER TOTAL i OF SIG�TURE FAGE$ AC110N flEQUESiED: INITIHLIDA7E �! oerr�r�+erlr o��ca �RY ATTOPNEY _ � FlNANCIAL $ERVICES }� MAYOfl IOH ASSISTAI Cl.IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR $IGNATUNE) pDo a� 6.3 NO. 113208 INIiIAUDAIE ❑ cm couea� � CITY CLEAK � FINANCIAL SEIiV1ACCTG Approve Administrative Order directing the proper City officials to pay a travel advance to Dr. Farnsworth, Como Zoo Veterinarian, for attendance at the the Annual Conference of the American Association of Zoo Veterinaria� Orlando, FL, September 19-23, 2001 ��,�8 s19� � Si �� REC�MMENOAT10N5: Approve lA) nr Reject lRl _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION PROBLEM, i55UE, OPPORSUNIN (Who, What When, Where, VJhyl: PERSOWAlSERVICE CANTfiACTS MUST ANSWER 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a con[rac[ for this tlepaRmeni? YES NO 2. Haz this persaNfirm ever een a citY employee? � -� YES � 3. Does this person/!rm poss ss a skill not normally possessed Gy any eurren[ ciYy employee? VES NO 4. IS this Oerson/firm a targa[e0 ventlw? YES NO fzplain atl yes emwers on separote sheat anE anee� m green sheet. �Favel reimbursement needed for Dr. Farnsworth, Como Zoo Veterinarian, for attendingthe Annual Conference of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians held in Orlando, FL, September 19-23, 2001 ADVANTAGES IF APPfiOVE�: Provides for the continuing knowledge and exchange of procedures and expertise in the veterinary care and weifare of the Como Zoo animals. DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: None OISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VED Como Zoo animals may not have opportunity for the highest quality care and medicine TOTAL AMOUNT OF TPANSACTION S �,4.3F) COST/FEVENUE BUDGETED ICIHCLE ONEI YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Zoo Animal Fund ACTIVIiYNUMBER 380-33140 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAINI �.i�Nai1/qI VeterinarianivetconfOl.greenshtwpd �� • FP. '� � _. �� �a AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOO VETERINARIANS AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF WILDLIFE VETERINARIANS ASSOCfATtON OF REPTILfAN AND AMPHIBIAN VETERINARIANS 2001 Joim Co�ernnce -. ��. SepEemberl8-23 i4lTalt Disney WorldOO Resurt, Orlando, Florida � tY . _ � The 2001 joixrt meeting of=the American Association of Zoo Vete*+narianc (AAZV), the American Assodation of Wtldlife Veter+narianc (p��� y�e Association of Reptilian and Amplubiazt VeteT+*+arianc (p�A� and the Nutri�ion Advisory Grwpx{TVAG) w�71 be held 'm Orlando, Florida, hosted by Disney's Ax�imal KingdomTM Theme Park. Fourteen workshopsJ_wetlabs will be offered on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 18 and 19. The opening Ice Bre�7cer w�11 take place bn Wednesday evening, beginning with a sunset safazi on K�limanjazo Sazaris, Tfiursday afterno'on we w�71 tour the �isne}�s Animal KingdomT"' Theme Pazk and enjoy lunch, dinner and the annual auction at the, theme pazk. Pleaseeriote that no one under 16 yeazs old is allowed backstage (ie., at the animal bams) at Disney,5 Au�mal KingdomT?"=Theme Pazk. :*: � A. CON�ERENCE AND WOffICSAOP REGISTRATIQN All pa�cipants must com�lete a Confezence Registration Form and mail it, along with the zegistration fee, to the address indicated on the re form. �ull confemnce mgistration entitles the participant to a copy of the Proceedings for your organization, the opening reception/ice brea�er (ticket required), corninental breakfast each morning, daily coffee breaks, lunches on Fridayf;,Saturday, and Suriday (tickefis required), fihe banquet (ticket required), and lunch and d'mner (tickets • require�7) at Disney's Anim� KingdomTM Theme Park. =�ife Member mgistration includes full registration be�efits, as above. ;StudemJtechnic' ` gistration does not include the business lunches or banquet. (Intems, residents, etc., are cons�dered "students" f�i'•regfstration purposes.) Non-member students/technicians do not receive a copy of the 3 ,_ , Proceedings. d„ ail re' on �xitifles the artici to a c of the Proceedin the continental breakfast, coffiee P Y 8�'�ti �:. P P� �PY �� breaks, and business lunch £or,that day only. Non-member students do not receive a copy of the Proceedings. Spouse/Guest mgis�'�ation does not include the Proceedings, t]�e lunches or the banquet. �< i Payment may be made by c�ieck; money order, or credit cazd (VISA or MasterCard). Make checks payable to AAZV, in US #t�nds drawn on a US bank. No money will be refunded after September 4, 2001. No telephone registrations will be accepted. FAX regisk�ations may be sent to (610) 892-4813. Note early conference registration xate prior to AugusEl7, 2001. MaIl registration forms to AAZV, 6 North Pennell Road, Media, PA,19063. Registradon informatian fot the Nutrition Advisory Gmup pmgram may be accessed by going on line at www_nagonline.net Y >; i HOTELl2EGIS1'RATION �� This year`s conference headquafters is Disney's Coronado Springs Resort at the Walt Disney World� Resort; 1000 West Biiena Vista Drive, Lake Buena Vista, Fiorida 32830; (40� 939-1000, FAX (40� 439-1003. Room rates are $124 single/double, plus applicable tax. Call (40� 939-1020 for reservations and mention the AAZV Conference to receive ovr specia] group rates. Please note the reservation cut-off date is August 17, and reservations made after that date will be subject to room availab�lity. Check in rime is 3:00 pm and check out time is noon. • � s- ; AAZV/AAWV/ARAV 2001 WORKSHOPS AND WETLABS . Tnesday, Septemberl8 nimaaa Rick Aacac = anr � jjrg, jJjyggeg $pgj �IId DOtig .�tlRSh[Oltg This will be a working group based tcasning and beta testing for tools being developed to a� disrase risk asscxiatcd with animal translocations, reintroductions, rnhabilitations and other types of animal introductions to populations. The tools, developed in earlier workshops, will indude 1) a workbook for data collection and production of a usable database for assessinp, disease risk; 2) a pendl and paper approach to structured declsion tree analysis, 3) computer based decision tree analysis; and 9) compuYec based systeuvs modeling for ptedicting d"vse�ase unpact. Additional tools, still in the �rly stages of development, will include geo-referendng tools for analysis and incorpornHon of the disease module into Vortex. Participants are encouraged to bring data sets from translocation/reintrodudion and other projects that tktey have worked on Taptop computers will be a very useful asset for partidpants to bring with theav The workshop will be held in the Coronado Balkoom of the rasort, beginning at 8:00 am and ending at 4:00 pm. lt is limited to 50 participants. The cost is $125. TTIfraFrmn.i Tarhni ;,, uh;n,,,, _�y, Robert Hildebrant Robert Hames, Mark Atkinson, Michele Miller, and Sk�aron Joseph This all day session wIll demonstrate ukrasound techniques that can be utiliaed for reproductive management o( rhin«eros. Participants will observe the instrudors performing the procedures on conditioned rhinos at Disney's Animal Kingdom"" Theme Pazk Topics that will be covered include training and conditioning, chemical restraint and anesthesia, end«;rine monitoring, reproductive anatomy of tnale and female, diagnosis and treatment reproductive disorders, and assisted reproductive tecluiiques. Transportation for this lab will leave the resort at 6:30 am and return at 2 pm The lab is limited to 15 pazticiFxints. The cost is $150. �pg]7�n4 Mpriirinn anel Mana g a...a..r� P� _��, g� Lindsey, Rau�iro Isaza, Cathy Shnlion, M�uray Fowler and Dennis Schmidt The workshop will be held at the Center fot Elephant Conservation, and sponsornd by Ringling Brothers and Bamum and Bailey Circus. Join these experts in an all day session on elephant care techniques. Participants will work in small groups, and will leam dinical and radiographic evaluation of the elephant foot, physical �amination and health management techniques (including trunk wash techniques), and reproductive assessment of the Asian elephant (including reproduchve ultrasound). Transportation for this lab will leave the resort at 7:00 am and leave to return at 200 pm. Lunch will be provided. The lab is limited to 1$ participants. The cost is $150. Wednesday, Septemberl9 ilpnmm�na Snalcp Tnrhnim+pc _ jh,'j'OIll BOyQi 3Rd D03121 BOy2I This session wiii provide participants the necessary information to restrain and manage venomous snakes. The laboratory will include a two-hour lecture discussing taxonomy and restralnt and will be followed by a two-hour handson laboratory. Aggressive, non-venomous snakes will be used fox the labomtory. This wetlab will be held at a site to be determined, from 8:00 am to Noon Enrollment is limited to 20 participants. The cost is $156. ['r��d;t;an T�hn; _ �. Dacryl Heazd Tliis coiuse will review important diseases, handling and restraint, anesthesia, sample collection and necropsy technique. These topics will be covered using a combination of lectures and handson demonstrations. The course will be held at the Saint Augustine Alligator Farm which has captive examples of all the known species of crocodilians. Transportation for this lab wIll leave the resort at 7:00 am and return at 4:30 pm Lunch will be provided. The lab is limited to 20 partiapants. The cost is $175. ['t,Pl�n;?„ c„� �_ _ Drs. Doug Mader and Ricliard Fnnk Titis laboratory will include a one-hour illustrated lecture covering various anesthetic protocols and surgiral procedures followed by a three-hour han.dson practical. Pazticipants will have the opportunity to perform a number of surgical procedures, including plastronectomy, cceliotomy, gastrotomy, enterotomy, cystotomy and limb amputation. The weflab wffl be held at a site to be deterntined, from 1230-4:30 pm Enrollment is limited to 24 pazticipants. The wst is $225. Tha 7m Vwarinari�n �u Fnvimnman#al nn:o;�E _ Ken Strom, Wendp Steinhacka, ICHi7II ICi chnak_ I�tle A�IOgClg33x� alltl Drs. Leslie Dierauf and Tim Reict�ard Throughout the world, wIld species are confronting enormous cliailenges. Disappeazing habitats, declinii�ig numbers and the threat of extinction imperil maziy species. join staff from the National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation, and Alliance of Vetennazians for the Environment to explore the connections betcveen human population growth, environmental conservation and intemational family plazining, and to learn the skills of environmental activism that will enable you to • positively impact our global future. The workshop will be held at the resort.. A morning (7:30.11:30 am) session and aftemoon (1230-4_30 pm) session will be offered, however the afternoon session will be cancelled if registration is insufficient. Enrollment is unlimited. The cost is $35. p�nr..a�oa r,ro.�•.�;re _ Drs. Peggy Fleming and Betsey Coville Alternatives to "tradikional" or "westem" medidne exist, and interest in them lias grown recently. In this workshop. Dcs. Fleming and Coville, instrudors cerafied by the Intenational. Veterinary Acupuncriire Sodety, will ptesent basic � information on severai alternative thempy tppes. Th¢ory and fundamentals of acupuncture, application of xupuncture to irimals, and chiropractic therapy for axdmals will be discussed, t1s a former zoo vet, Dr. Coville can address the challenges presented in appiying th.ese al�matives to zoo animals. This workshop is lecture and anisal model demonstrations only; no actual pzocedures on live animals will be done. The workshop will be held az the resort from 7:30.11:30 am E�ollment is untimited. The cost is $75. F.,,,.t�,.,P.,rai r.,.,o� .,f F„�t ,,.� r ra � Tv +,;w c�-- _ John Kirkham, Rnth Hanson, and Dc. Muk Edwads Basics of nutrition support for both adult and pediahic patients will be piesented, with primary focns on formulas, strategies and producrs developed from humsn nutrition and medicix� Examples of formula preparation, issues of component solubility and absorption will be demonstrated. The goal of the wetiab is to give pariadpants a fovndation of infomiation from which they can adapt formulas for particular species in their own practice. The workshop will be held at the resort hom 7:30.21:30 am Enrollment is limited to 40 partidpants. The cost is $75, $45 for students. c- v v3 + m� [�"Irtl'f v•-- - �-�, Dave JessnY 7onna Mazet TerrY Kreeger and Bill Iance Tfus workshop will present basic issues and challenges fundamernal to the applicaHon of veterin�•y medical tools and knowledge to the nianaagement and conservation of frc�ranging wildlife and their ecosystems. The cowse will include background on pertinent laws and polides, and the mandates of agendes that employ vete++*+a*+ � to work on free-ranging wildlife. Areas of educational emptiasis and experience that may improve potential for employment and job performance and the best books and periodicals in the field will be provided. The potential uses of advanced training in epideauology, pathology, parasitology, reproductive management, anesthesia and animal welfare, and such non-veterinazy areas of modeling, conservation biology and witdlife management will be discussed. The workshop will be held at the resort from 7:30-11:30 am Enrollment is limited to 50 participants. 'Lhe cost is $6Q, $40 for students. w;t.n;s� n:a,.a� 7„o..�r; �: - Drs. Terry Kreega, John Fisher, and Dave Jessup 'fhis workshop will present methods and approaches to the diagnosis of disease problems in free-ranging wffdlife. Empliasis will be on fieid investigations and pathologc investigations of important wildlife health problems in North America Gross and aucroscopic pa[hology, toxicology, and parasitology, and maz�iagement of the health of wildiife populations will be emphasized. Potential student participants should have had pathology and epidemiology courses. The workshop will be held at the resort from 1230-4:30 pm &nrollmern is limited to 35 participants. The cost is $50, $40 �or students. Dr& Robert Hunter and Ramim Isazz � � � Whether desigiing a research project of determuring a treaknent re8.me, the basic pnnciples of pharmacokinetics provide a useful starting point. Tlus workshop will 1) review the basic pharmacokinetic/phara�acodynantic (PK/PD) terminology and concepts as it relates to therapeutic routes of admizustration in zoological medicine; 2) explore and define , pharniacokinetic relationships within and betcveen species; 3) examine the type of in vitro and in vivo studies that can be performed in zoos and aquarivms; and 4) discuss vazious study designs for pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic research projects with respect to anixnal numbers (study slze) and how the data kom these can be analyzed. The workshop will be held at the resort hom 1230.4:30 pm Enrollment is limited to 25 partidpants. The cost is $75. Av:an TSiawasn ili�q ncy:r Tnafin _ jh. Branson RiMhie Not all diagnosHc assays, even of the same class (antibody assays for examplej, aze created equal and do not inherendy, because of their assay type, provide the same information A through understanding of how diagnostic 2ssays work, what information they provide, what infomiation they do not provide, when they should be nsed and when they should not be u.sed, is critical to their proper use. Thvs interactive discuasion will review the questions we can and cannot answer with available diagnostic a�,says, and address which tests should be used to answer particuiaz clinical qnestions. The workshop will be held at the rnsort from 12•30-4:30 pm. Enrol3ment is lanited to 40 partidpants. The cost is $75, $46 for students. R� Anm»1 7.... R. TN'l�il'f P�th 1 , *wr �• h �(�'�g� .i ,h� th AFfP 1i th ("f Tl �.. ��]� Montali ? This all day workshop fearives case presentations of interesiing snd often new entiiies of zoo and wIldlife species with emphasis on clinico-patholoa cal correlations. It should be of great interest to zoo and wildlife clinidans, residents, interns, aztd studenGs - all are encouraged to attend. The format is interaetive. This year will feature a part-day session on tmcicosis of zoo and wildlife species. The keynote speaker and fadlitator for ktus portion of the session will be Dr. W. Emmett Braselton, Chief, Tmcicology Section, Animal Health Diagnosric Laboratory, Michigan State Universiry. The workshop will be held at the resort, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, with a one-hour break for lunch Enrollment is limited to 150 participants. The cost is $35. (NOTE: Histoslide sets can be purchased for $25 at the meeting.} � AAZV/AAWV/ARAV 2001 TEN'PATIVE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM THIIRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 � - Noon Joint Sessions AAZV/ARAv Reptiles & nmphibians - Jim Carpeater & Michelle Willette, Co-Chairs THE CUTANEOUS FUNGAL MICIZOFLORA OF HEALTHY SQUAMATE REPTIi.ES AND PREVALENCE OF TF� CHI2YSOSPORIUM ANAMORPH OF NANIVIZZIOPSLS VF1Z�I IN SQUAMATE REPTiLES - Jean Pare DIAGNOSLS OF A SHOULDER JOINT LUXATION IN AN ADULT RADIATED TORTOISE (GEOCHELONE RADIATA) USIIVG CT SCAN - Nolia Abau-Madi, et al BIL.ATERAL PHACOFRAGMEN'fATLON IN A KOMODO DRAGON (VARANiIS KOMODOENSTS� - Iatry Vogelnest PfIARMACOKIIVETICS OF AZITHROMYCII�I IN THE BALL PYTHON (PYTHON REGIiIS� - Rob Coke, et al DIODE LASER SURGIIZY IN R&FfIi.E�5 AND AMPHIBIANS - Stephen Hernandez-Divers, et al REI�SAL DIAGNOSTSCS IN TF� HEALTHY IGUANA - Leah Greer Cf�fOTHII2APY FOR 1REATMENT OF LYMPHOMA IN A COBRA - Michelle Willette A NATURAL DIF OFF OF GALAPAGOS TORTOISES - Jce Flanagan THE SL3PRAVII2TEBRAL VF�3IN CF3ELONIANS: ANATOMY AND CLINICAL REC.EVANCE - Sorria Foerster and Stephen Hemandez-Divers RECOGNIZQ�IG PAIN IN REPTT[.ES - Teresa Bradley TREATMENT OF LEUKEMIA IN A SUN-GAZER BY RADIATION Tf�RAPY - Mariin ISOLATION OF VII2USES FROM BOA CONSTRICTORS W1TH IIVCLUSION BODY DTSEASE IN EUftOPS - Rachel Mazschang EVALUATION OF REPITLE THERMOREGULATION AND ENCLOSURE DFSIGN USING DIGITAL THERMGGRAPHY - Greg Fleming V�'NOMOID SURGERY IN SI�SATff'S - Richazd Funk AMPHIBIANS AS MONTTORS OF ECOSYSTEM HEALTH - KimUerlee Beckmen PATHOLOGY OF SLTSPfiCTED FENBENDAZOLE INTOXICATTON IN FEAES VIPERS (AZEMIOPS FEA� - Michael Gazner . and Tom Alvarado UPDATE ON TREATMENC OF NSHP IN RANID FR�S - Kevin Wright 12:30-5: W pm Lnncly Dinner and Annual Anetion at Disne}�s Animal KingdomTM Theme Pazk •FRIDAY, sErx�rsEx n 8:00-1000 am: Concurrent Sessions AAZV-Aviaa - $olly Reed, Session CLau STUDY OF THE SAFETY AND SEROLOGIC RFSPONSE OF JAPANESE ENCEPHALIT7S VIIZUS VACCINE FOR PKOTECTiON AGAINST WEST NILE VIRUS IN AVIAN MODEL SPECIES - Tracy Clippinger RESIJLTS OF INSTiTUTIONAL SURVEY ON BALI MYNAH MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH - Dominic Travis HEMATOLOGIC AND BIOCHENIICAL METHODOLOGIES AND THE DEVEZOPMIIVT OF REFERENCE RANGES -Kendal Harr ATOXOPLASMOSIS: BEYOND BALI MYNAIiS - Denise McAloose MALARIA IN NON-PENGUIN WATER BIRDS - Tabitha Viner DIAGNOSTIC TESTING FOR AVIAN VIRAL DISEASE - Bob Daulhausen TI� USE OF OXYGLOBIN 1N BIl2D5: PI-iARMAKOKINETICS AND EFFECTS ON SELECTED BLOOD PARAMENTERS, AND TTSSIJES - Noha Abou-Madi TECHNIQUE F012 TREATING NECK PARESTS SYNDROME (MYCOTOXICOSLS) IN FREE RANGING SANDHILL CRANES - SEVERAL CASES - Terry Norton DIODE LASER SURGERY RV BIRTJS - Stephen Hernandez-Divers ARAV-Chelonia - Tary Nortrn� Session Chair LOC',GERI-IEAD SEA TURTI.E EPIDEMIC CI,IIVICAL PRFSEN'I'ATTONS- Doug Mader PAT�IOLOGIC FINDINGSIN LOGGERHEAD SEA TUIZTL� FOUND WITH A POLYNEUROPATHY IN COASTAL W ATERS OFF SOUTH F[.ORIDA - Elliott Jacobson MEASLIRIlVG INl'RACOCE[.OMIC PRESSLTKE IN GREEN SEA TURTLFS - Grinun and Doug Mader BItEEDING GALAPACsOS TORTOISFS: COMMON FACTORS AT THE PI-IOENIX ZOO AND'I'I iE PHILADELPHIA ZOO - Kevin Wright PREI.INIINARY HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF TEXAS TORTOISFS - Michelle Willette FOLLICULAR STASIS IN CAPTNE CHELONIA - Stuart McArthur . RENAL FUNCTION IN CHELONIANS - Stuart McArthur 1k30 am-1220 p� Coacunent Sessions AAZV-Envimnm�tal AcEivitism - Tim Reic6nd, Session Chair POPULATION: THE ULTIMATB CHALLINGfi FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM- Ken Strom � POPULATION PRffiURES ON WILDLIFE: FROM AW ARENESS TO ACITVISM - Karin Krctmak NSERVING INERG^L: ACTTVLSM OR ACITON-MOTION OR MOVEMENT-REAC'I'ION OR RESIJLTS - Ieslie Diemuf ENVIRONMIIVTAL AC,'ITVI.4M- ONE ZOO VEfERINARIANS F,XPER�TCE _ Tim Reichard ARAV-Chelonia (contiaued) - Terry Norton, Session Chaix MYCOPLASMA AND HIItpESVIlZiJS DETECTION IN EUROPEAN TEKRFSTRIAL TORTOSSNS IN FRANCE AND MOROCCO - Mathes TORTOISE HERpF5 VIRUS AND STOMA'I1TIS-RHINI'I7S IN TORTOISFS - Origgi LYMI'HOPROLSFERATIVE DISEASE W1TH HIGH MORTALITY ASSOCIATED WITH A HERPFSVIItUSLIICE INFECTION IN T6TUD0 F�RMANNI AND GEOCHELONE PARDALIS - Stuart McArthur ARAV-Snakes - Billp Griswold, Session Chair CHRONIC TRACHFITIS, PNEUMOPIIA, AND THIZOMBOEIvffiOLTC DISEASE IN CAPTTVE BURMESE PYTHONS (PYTHON MOLURLJS BIVITTATUS) - Elliott Jacobson PHARMACOKIIVEI'ICS OF METRONLDAZOLE ADMINISTREED AS A SINGLE ORAL BOLUS TO RED RAT SNAKES (E[,APFiE GUITATA) - Michael Bodri 1:30.3:00 pm: Concurtent Sessions AAZV-Aqnadcs - Mazk Lloyd, Seasion CBair CYSTIC AND CLOACAL PROLAPSE IN ANURANS AND SURGICAL CORRECITON- Ryan DeVce INIMUNOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES OF STELLER SEA LIOY3S - Kimberlee Beckman CONGINTl'AL GOITER IN BOTTLE NOSE DOLPHIIVS - Mike Garner ASSISTED MECHANiCAL VINTILATTON AND 1TS AFFECT ON END-TIDAL CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS IN ANESTHETIZED CALIFORNIA SEA LIONS - Marty Haulena GASTROTOMY IN THE HAKBOR SBAL - Freeland Dunker AN OUTBREAK OF F�PATOPANCREATITLS IN TLGER-TAILED SEAHORSES - Carlos Sanchez DISSIIYIINATED MYCOSIS CAU5ED BY EXOPHIALA-I.IICE FUNGUS IN COLD WATER MARIIVE FISH - Sonja Rivers V-Snakes (coatinned) - Billy Griswold, Session Chair LONIC GRANULOMA IN A COTTONMOUTH - Mark Mitchell MEDICAL MANAGEMENI' OF PENTASTOMIDS IN BOELtiN'S PYTHONS - Jeff Baier . DEVELOPMENI' OF REAGENTS FOR THE MEASURENEaZVT OF 7'HE ANTIBODY RFSPONSE IIV THE COMMON BOA AND ARGENTINE BOA - Lock ATTEMPI'EB TREATMENT FOR PAGET'SLII�E DLSEASE II3 A TAIVJAN BEAUTY SNAKE - Enc Klaphake , AN INDIAN ROCK PYTHON WITH AN ITNCOI�IMON PRFSENTATION OF A COIv1MON DISEASE - Mylniczenko �30 - 5:� pm: Concurreat Sessions AAZV-CASE REPOR'TS f PRAC7TCE TIPS - Lisa Done, Session CLair ETODOLAC AS AN ADJUNCT TO MANAGING OSTEOARTHItTTIS IN CAPTIVE BINGAL TIGERS - Ray Ball CITTANEOUS PDX VIRUS INk'ECTION IN TWO ANTEATER4 - Scott Terrell NOCARDIA ASTEROIDFS M&�NIGIT7S IN A GORILLA - Sandie Black TTCK TOXICITY IN ZOO ANIMAIS AT TARONGA ZOO - Julie Barnes MYOCARDIAL FIBROSIS IN AN ORANGUTAN- Erik Aagren OCULAR FIIVIIINGS IN A COLONY OF MOUSE LEMURS FROM THE PARIS ZOO- Florence 011ivet DIAPHRAGMATTC HIATAL F�RNIA IN A CAPT'IVE CHEET'AH- Kevin Kimber SEVERE AND CHRONIC ULCERATtVE MYCOTIC VENTRICULITTS CAUSED SY CANDIDI KRUSE IN A YELLOW- FRONTES� AMAZON PAROTf- Jennifer Hess (post graduate competition) PHARMOCOKIlVETTCS OF ACYCLOVIR IN TRAGOPANS Marie Rush (post graduate competition) DlSSSMII�IATED LYMI'HOMA IN A CL.OUDED LEOPARD - Sonia Fcerster- ( post graduate competition) COCCIpIOIDOMYCOSIS IN A PRZEW AISKI'S HORSE - Ku+en Terio INDIIZECf MEASUREMETN OE GLOMERULAR IF[.TRATION RAT&S AND RENAL PLASMA FLOW IlV Cf�ETAHS - Erin Holder, Scott Citino (Student Competition} IVERMECTIIV TOXICITY IN INDIAN FRUIT BAT5 - Julie DeMarw (Student Competition) ARAV-CASE REYOR'IS - Teresa Bradlep and Vincent Seocaeccia, Session Chairs OCOCCL7S ENTERITTS TN TWO JUVENILE ALDABRA TORTOISES - Johnson OVARIAN CYST IN LACEitTA LEPIDA - Petra Kolle SYSTEMIC MICROSPORIDIOSTS INAN INLAND BEARDED DRAGON - Ale�nder Cole DISSEMIIVATRE XANTI IOMATOSIS IN A FEMALE WATER DRAGON - Paul Gibbons ARAV-EDWARD ELKAN MEMORIAL LECI'URE This lecture is nsmed for Dr. Edwazd Elkan, recogiized intemationally for 1»s work on the pathology and diseases of reptiles and amplvbians. First given in 1984, this is the fourth schedvled E7kan Memorial Lechire, and will be given by Dr. IIliott • Jacobson. A reception will immediately follow the lecture. 7:30.400 pm - ARAV Focas Gxonp slcin rathology of aap8 - Jofm coope� This sesson w�l consist of theory. IDusttated with 35mm transpaz�xides, and practicaL During the latter, it is hoped that partidpants will be able to see and exaznine specunens, depicting both normal and abnormal conditions, and view and discvss some of the relevant literature. The emphasis throughout wID be on the importance of an understanding of the biology and natural history of the different types of xeptiles and amphibians. Tlds will be followed by discussion of temiinology when descnbing sldn lesions and methods for sampling - to include scrapings, washings, brushings, and biopsies. Mi¢obiolop�cal tecl�niques will be covered, with empliasis on the need for consistent and reliabie methods, and the value of specialized procedures, such as ele�.-tron microscopy £or detecting chytrid fungi, will be stressed As the lazgest organ of the body, the skin provides unequalled opportunities for obsetvation, for samplings and for providing tr�tment The skin of reptiles and ampMbians is an important indicator of general well-being as well as the health of the integument and an understanding of its pathology. SATURDAY, 5EP'1'EMBEli 22 &oo - lo:oo em: Joinc sessions nawv/anzv, coacvaenc sessi�on .4Rav AAW V/AAZV-Anesthesia - Scott Lazsen & Terry Kreeger, Session Qtairs THE LJSE OF ICETAMIIVE AS A PRIMARY IIvINiOBILIZING AGENT IN GORILLAS - Bonnie L Raptiael, Steptianie James, Paul P. Calle, Tracy L ClippingeL Robert A. Cook PHAIZMACOKINEITCS OF BUPNACAINE IN MALLARD DUCKS (ANAS PTATYRHYNCHOS� - Karen L Machin and Alexanda Livingston MLJLTIPLE LSOFLURANE ANESTHESIA IN A CAPTIVE BLACK 12HINOCER05 (DICEROS BICORNIS� - Ray L&all, David Murphy, John H Olsen, Genevieve Dumonceux, Mike Burton CARDIORESPIItATORY AI3DSEDATNE EFFECTS OF MEDETOMIDIl�I&BUTOIZPHANOL COMBINATIONS II�S RED WOLVES • (CANIS RZiFUS� - R Scott Iaisen, Michael R Loonris, Brian Kelly, Kurt K Sladky, Michael K. Stoskopf, William A. Home COMPARTSON OF ANESTHE'I'IC COMBINATIONS USING MEDETOMIDINE IN RING TAILED LEMURS - Cathy Williams, K Glenn, B Horne REVIILSIBLE IMMOBII.IZATION AND ANESTI-IESIA IN FRE�RANGING BItOWN BEARS (Ursus arcxos) WITH MEDETOMIDINfrTILETAMINE-ZOLAZEPAM AND ATIPA.MEZOLE: A ILEVIEW OF 575 CAPT'URES - Jon Armeno USE OF ORAL TELAZOL FOR SEDATION AND TiZANSLOCATION OF CAPTIVE YELLOWTAIL JACKS - J Sherriil, J Steeis, S. Trauriaein ARAV-CASE REPORTS (contianed) - Taesa Bradley and Vinceat Seccaeccia, Session Chiirs SQUAMOUS PAPILLOMAS IN A COLONY OF BEARDED DRAGONS - Thomas Greek OSTEOMYEL1TiS IN A GREEN IGC3AI�SA - Thomas Greek ORAL MANIFFSTATTON OF LYMPHOMA IN REPTILES THAT IvIIIvffC$ STOMAT'1TI5 - Michael Garner T'HREE CASES OF A FATAL CHLAMYDIA-LIKE AGENT IN FROGS - Michael Garner ARAV-DIAGNOSTICS AND 1IiERAPE[TTiCS -I3ancy Lung and Bonnie Raphael, Session CLairs UNDERSTANDING THH FLUOROQUINOL.ON� - Doug Mader THE ITSE OF RaCTRONIUM TO FACSLITATE INTUBAITON IN NORTT-I AMERICAN GITL.F COAST BOX TURTLFS - Gretchen Kaufman EFFICACY OF ALLOPURINOL IN EUROPEAN TORTOISFS W1TH HYPERL3RICENIIA - Petra Kolle iaao am- i2:zo pm: Joinc s�:ons nawv�nazv Concnrrent Session ARAV AAW VJAAZV-In situ Projects & Reports - Ed Ramsay & Billy ICazesh, Session C7tairs MADAGASCAR TORTOT9F5 — Bonnie Raphael SIBETtIt1N 7TGER HEALTH S[JRVEYS - Kathy Quigley CA3�TARY ISLAND LIZARDS — Steve Divers ACiTVITIES AT OL JOGI RANCH, I�IYA - Tom De Maar SURVEY ON THE PRESENCE OF TF� ENDOTHELIOTROPIC F�RPES VIRLTS IN CAMP ELEPHANTS IN THAILAND -Thomas • Hildebrandt, Miria Fa�bender ASSESSING TF� POTENTiAL FOR DSSEASE TRANSMISSION FROM Ai3STRALIAN WHI'PE IBIS ('I'�iRESKIORNLS MOLUCCA) TO HUMANS AND FOOD PRODUCTION ANIMALS: A BEHAVIORAL AND EPIDIIvIIOLOGICAL SURVEY - Jon Epstein ELK RELOCATION — Ed Ramsey, Leah Greer MOUTAIN GORILLAS AND COMMUN171` HEALTH - Gladys Kaiema CHIMP R6L.00ATION IN UGANDA — joseptune Afema, Karen Kearns �A V-DlagnoeMa and TherapeuHcs (continned) - Nancy Lnng aad Bonnie Raphael, Session Cl�airs � HFFHCT O� A1V A VIRULENT SALMONE[.LA VACCIlVE ON SALMONELLA COLON7ZA'I'ION OF HATCHLING GREEN lGUAS3A5 - Mazk Mitchell EL[MINA770N OF SALMONELLA IN THE GItEEN IGUANA USING APPftOPRIATE ANTTBIOTtC TREATMENT' - Mark Mitchell CYST7C CALCiILI IN REPI'Ii.FS - Petre Kolle HEPA77C LIPIDOSIS IN REPTTLES - John Cooper and Stephen Hemandez-Divers ARAV-I.i�acds - Dale DeNardn, Session c'ha:r PEN'TASTOMIASIS IN TOKAY GECKOS - Drury Reavill PERSISTENT HYPERGLYCIIvIIA IN A CHINESE WATEK DRAGON - 130 - 3:00 pm: Conc¢rrent Sesaions AAZV-CLINICAL PATTiOLOGY - Dave Millex; Session CLair PHARMACOK[NETIC AND CLINICAL EVALUATTON OF THE ORAL IILON CHEI,ATOR DEFERIPRONE FOR TI-IE TREATMENT OF IRON OVERLOAD IN AVIAN SPECIES - Doug Whiteside CLINICOPATfiOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN CULTURE POSITNE M'IB ELEPHANT5IN CONIPARISON TO CLINICALLY NOIZMAL ELEPHANTS - Kendal Hazr TUBERCULOSIS Tk5TING IN NONDOMESTIC HOOH5TOCK - Scott Larson DIAG1VOSt5 AND MOLECt7I.AR CHARACTERIZATION OF ATOXOPLASMA SPP IN PASSERIlVE BIRDS - Schrenzel A COMPARiSON OF TE515 FOR TFI]? DETECTION OF BI.OQD IN COCKATIEL EXCREMENT - Gibbons LEVELS OF FECAL CORTTCOSTERONE IN REINTRODUCED WHOOPIIVG CKANES - Bv-ry Hartup iCr 1NFF'1?� TER SYNDROME (39XXY) IN AN ADLTLT SIBERIAN TIGER - W. Kirk Suedmeyer ARAV-LTLARDS (continued) -Dale Denardo, Sessioa Chvr INAPPROPRIATE ERYTHItOID RFSPONSE IIV IGUANAS 4VLTHMETASTAT[C MINERALIZATION - Michaet Garner HEPATIC THROMBOSIS AND OTHER PATHOLOGY AS,riOCIATED WITH SEVERE PERIODONTAL DISEASE IN THE BEARDED � RAGON (Pogona viticeps) - Shazon Redrobe ISSEMIlVATED LYMPHOMA IN A SAVANNAH MONTTOR - Sonia Fcerster 'I'h'MPORAL GLANBS OR CHAMELEONS - MEL)ICAL PROBLEMS AND SUGGESTED TREATMBNTS - Eric Kiapt�ake ° HEPATOCELLIJLAR CARCINOMA WITH ASSOCIATED HYPERGLYCEMIA IN AN T(VLANU BEARDED DRAGON (Pogona vitticeps) - Billy Griscvold I�SAZW V I713GZ3I,ATES - Dave jessnp, Sessian CY�air INIMOBILIZATLON OF EASTBTtN GIAN'T EZAND (TALiROTltAGUS DEBIANUS GIGAS) - Geoffrey W. Pye, Scott B. Citino, Mitchell R Bush, and Lin Klein IMA�pBILiZATION OF CAPTIVE PUDU (PUDII PUDt.i) WTTH KETAMIN�MEDETOMIDIN�BUTORPHANOL AND REVEILSAL WiTH A'I�AMEZOLE AND NALOXONE Mauricio Fabry, Sebastian Celis, Ricardo Le6n, Sebastian Jimenez, and Patnck Morris. II�IMOBILIZATION OF NORTH AMfiRICAN LTNGiJLATES USING THIAFENTAIVIL (A-3080) - Terry ICreeger TILETAMIIVE/ZOLAZEPAM/DETONIIDINE/KETAMINE ANESTHESIA IN NON-DO1�5TIC UNGULATES AT THE WILDS - Rae Gandolf � ASSFSSMENT OF A PROTEIN G CON}UGATE FOR TF� DETECTIOIV OF ANTIBODY IN MLIi.TIPLE SPECIES OF HOOFSTOCIC - EJB Maning. JA Kranvsky and MT Colluvs 3:30 - 5:30 pm: Concurrent Sessions AAZV-PII2SPECTIVES IN ZOO CRISIS MANAGEMENT - Wynona Shellabazger, Session Clia'u THE L3SE OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS IN GIZEAT APFS: SL3I2VEY RESULTS - Hayley Weston Murphy, Rebecca Chafel DEAL.IIVG W iTH PUBLIC RELATLONS LSSUES IN A SERIES OF ANIMAL DEATHS - A1 Lewandowski LETHAL WEAPQNS: A VETERINAR[ANS PERSPECTIVE - Ben Okunoto THE VEIERINARY ROLE AS FIILST RESPONDER TO A MEDICAL EMIIZGENCY IN A CRISLS MANAGEMENT STTUATION - W$liam K Baker GREAT APE ESCAPES: OffiERVATIONS ON THREE CASES RESOLVED 4YlTHOUT INCIDENT WITH THIZEESPECTFS OF GREAT APFS - Wm Kirk Suedmeyer A TiGER ATI'ACK ON A KEEPER: A VETERINARIAN'S P&12SPECTIVE - David Miller �A CL05E CALL: ANALYSIS OF AN ELEPHA23T KEEPER ATTACK BY AN ADULT FEMALE AFRICAN ELEPHANT AND [.ESSONS LEARNED - Wynona Shellabazger, Tim Reichazd DEATH OF A SIATH BEAR AT THE TOLEDO ZOO: Wf�N THE Cf�?CKS AND BALANCES FAIL - Wynone Shellubnr��r, Tf m Reichard USDA UPDATE: ANIMAL WELFARE COMPLIANCE - D3ck Watkins •ARAV-Geaaal - Jill Aeatlep, Sessioa Chair CLOBAL LEGAL AND EffIICAL ASPECTF5 OF REPITI.E MEDICINE - Cooper and Cooper Exonc DISEasES oF REP2'tLks arro aMPfuBIaNS - John cooper G�tology and HemaMlogy of Hecps John Caoper and Maz3a Hart This session will comprise both theory, illustmted with transparendes, and pmctical, with active partidpation of [he eudience. Particzilaz emphasis will be put on the taking of samples fot laboratory investigation, with special reference to cytological and hematological investigations. Subjects to be discussed will include the choide of equipment, type of anticoagulanty methods of making preparati.ons and both staining and examination techiuques. The 'unportance throughout o£ quality control will be emphasized and examples given of good and bad tectmique. There is value in taking and pieparing duplicate samples so that these can be sent elsewhere for a second opinion or retained as reference samp]es. When working overseas, it is good practice to leave duplicate material with the host couniry. The examination of cytoloacal and hematological samples in the field will be briefly reviewed, with reference to portable field equipment. A&hough much of the emphasis of this session will be on cytology and hematology of reptiles, a certain amount will cover amphibians and attention will be drawn to the paucity of data on the latter. The need to develop dapbases and to exchange information, as well as establishing and promoting protocoLs, will be stressed throughout Displays of literature will be available and partidpants ate encouraged to bring along slides or case histories where these may help to illustrate the session and prompt discussion. 5:30 -&30 pm: AAZV SSP Repvrts - Nadine Lamberski, Session CLair &30-7:30 p� Conference Reception 7:30-10:00 pm: Coafaence Banqnet SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 • &�00 1000 am: Concutrent Sessions NAGNL7TRTISON - MJ Limoges & Mark Edwazds AAZV-FOOT AND MOiTTFI DISEASE UPDAT'ES - Michele Milla, Session Chair HISTORICAL AND PRPSEIVT POSITION OF ZOOS WTTH REGARD TO FMD DURING OUTBREAKS IlV THE ANIMAL INDUSTRY - WillemSckiaftenaar FMD EPIDEMIC IN Tf� IJK AND I15 IMPACT ON BRITISH Z005 - Sharon Redrobe ITPDATE ON GUIDEI.IIVES FOR FMD PREVENTION AND CONTROL IN US ZOOS - Michele Miller ARAV-GENERAL - jill Heafley, Session CLair STL7DIES ON CROCODILES IN EAST AFRICA - John Cooper LEGAL CASFS INVOLVING REPTILFS AND AMPF3IBIANS - Cooper and Cooper HOST/PARASITE RELATIONS IN 12EPTII.FS AND AMPHISIANS - John Cooper PREVALENCE OF EAS'IBRN EQUINE ENCEPHAL117S IN TURTLES FROM SOUTHEASTERN LOIJISIANA - Mark Mitchell TOP 11 LIST FOR REP'ITLE PKACTITIONERS, OR, VJHAT NOT TO DO WI�EiV REPTiL6 ARE A VALUEA PART OF YOUR PATIENT BASE - Chris Griffin 1Q30 am -12:20 pm Concurrent Sessions AAZV-SMALL CRITTERS - Vickie Qyde, Session Chair DIABETES AND CATARACT IN CAPTIVE PLAINS VISCACHAS (Langostomus maximus) AND LONG-TERM EFFECT OF DIEI CHANGE - Christian Wenker COMNION MEDICAL PROBLEMS OF MEGAC:HIIZOPI'ERANS IN CAPTIVITY - Greg Fleming and Dazryl Heard ORAL AND RECTAL NIICROPI.ORA OF THE GREAT INDIAN FRUTT BAT (Pteropus giganteus) - Jill Heatley SiTKGICAL TECHIVIQUE FOK INTRAABDOMINAL RADIOTRANSMITTER PLACEMEI�ST IN NO1tTH AMERICAN RIVER OTTERS (Lutra canadensis) - Sonia Foerster INDIRECT MEASUREMENT OF GLOMEILULAR FII.TRATION RATES AND RENAL PLASMA FLOW IN CHEETAHS - Erin Holder, Scott Gtino A R�TROSPEC'ITVE STtIDY OF MORBIDITY AND MORTAI,ITY 1N CAPTNE TWQTOED SLOTHS (Chceiopus didactylus) - �T��(any Moore MEDICAL TECHNIQL7ES IN SMALL ANIMAIS - Natalie MylnicTZnko CASE C[.USTIIZ OF PANCREATIC ISLET FIBROSIS IN ROCK HYRAX (Procavia capensis) - Kathryn Cramble and Mike Gazner SQUAMOUS CEI.L CARCII�IOMA IN 12 KOW ARI (Desyuroides byrnei) - Marle Pinkerton et al SPONTANEOUS TUMORS IN I�DGEHOGS: A RETl20SPECTIVE STC7DY OF 50 CASFS - James Raymond � OLECULAR TOOLS FOR POPULATION MANAGENffivT: SEARCHIIVG FOIt THE CAUSE OF ALBINISM IN A GROUP OF UEENSLAND KOALAS (Phascolartcos cinereous adustus) - Rob Klieforth et al nxnV-cECV�znr. - J�u x�ctey, s�oa c�,a:� CAECILIANS: HLTSBANDRY AND MANAGIIv�]T - Natalie Mylnic2enko COMPARATTVE REPT'fI.E BRAIlV ANATOMY - Jeanette Wyneken COMPARATSVE VEKTEBRATE CALCIUM DYNAMOICS -Paul Gibbons A REVtEW OF PHOSPHORUS AND TIS IIvIPORTANCE IN REPTTLE MEDIC'IIVE - Eric Klaphake MEI'ABOLIC BONE DISEASF,S OF REPTILE5 - Doug Mader 130 - 3:00 pm: CannmeM Sessions AAZV-MEGACHARASMATICS - Mary Denva, Session Chair SEMEN COLLECTION, ANALYSIS AND CRYOPRESERVATION IN JACKSON'S AND CAPE HARTEBEEST - Terry Norton INSLTLAR AMYLOIDOSIS IN CAPTTVE FELIDS,12 CASES - Carlos Juan Salles i7LTRASONOGRAPHIC MOI�TITORIIVG OF ET.ECTROEJAC:ULATTON IN 3 SPESCIES OF RHII�IO - Nan Scliaffer Sl'UDIES ON INCEPHALOMYOCARDITTS VIl2U5 IN A ZOOLOGICAL CONTFJCT - David McLelland AQUIItED MYASTINIA GRP.VIS IN A POLAR BEAR WTTH LYMPHOMA - Jeff Baier SLSRGICAL APPROACH TO ART3FlCIAL II3SfiMINATION IN ELEPHANTS - Dennis Schmitt GIIIDHLINFS FOR VETERIlVARY ASSISTANCE DURIlVG ELEPHANT REPRODUCITON- WillemSchafte naar ORAL ESOINOPHIISC GRANiJLOMA IN Tf� BLAQC RE�70 - Allan Pessier IIvIMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES IN IDIOPATHIC HEMORRHAGIC VASCULOPATHY SYNDROME OF BLACK RHINO - Dan Paglia COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATTONS ON REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY IN CAPTIVE GIANT PANDA AND URSIDS - Frank Goeritz ARAV Focus Group Renal Anatomy, Physiology and Disease in i izards Stephen Hernande�Divers and Leah Greer Reptile renal disease, especially of ]izards, remains an important clinical ernity in exotic anintal practice. The lack of scientific � data and Iargely anecdotal approach has led to fnistratingly poor success in many patients. Drs. Hernandez-Divers and Greer will focus on reptile renal disease using the green iguana as a primary model. Normai renal anatomy, physiology and osmoregulation will be discussed, followed by standazd and advanced diagnostics with empliasis on maksng an early diagnosis. Approach co thempy e will concentrate on understanding and cornecting the osmoregulatory disturbances and maintaining renal function . POSTER SESSION - Kelly Helmick, Session 4air SYNOVIAL SARCOMA, TWO PSITTAC:INE CASES - Erik Aagren BODY SCORING SYSTEM FOR CAPTIVE GIItAFFES - Ray Ball CLIIVICAL FIlVDIl3GS IN AN ATAXIC GEMSBUCK - Rose Borkowski Tf� CHALLENGE OF RAISING SADDLE BILLED STORKS - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN MEDICAL MANAGEMENT AND f IUSBANDRY - E11en Bovd DESCRIPTTON OF NORMAL FLORA AND FAUNA OF THE CLOACA AND CHOANA IN THE PATAGOrIIAN CONUIZE (C7ANOLIGEUS PATAGONUS BYROI�II) - NSaruricio Fabry REI'RODUCITVE STATIJS OF WILD ECTROPEAN BROWN HARFS - Mirja Fassbendet FECAL FSTItADIOL i.EVETS IN THICK-BILLED PARROTS - Pamela Govett AEROMONAS ITYDROPHILIA SEPITCIIvIIA AND RESULTING INCEf'HALOPATHY IN A jWENII.E WESTERN LOWLAND GORRZA (GORILLA GOIZILLA GORILLA) - Tam Myers Harrison PATELLAR LUXATTONS IN WHOOPING CRANE CHICKS: RISK FACTORS, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT CONSIDERATIONS - Barry Hartup LEPTOSPIIZOSZS IN A MEXICAN GREY WOLF (CANLS LUPUS BAILEYI): SURVhY FOR LEPTOSPIRA INFF,CT'ION IN CAP'ITVE AND LOCAL FREE RArTGING WILDLIFE AND FERAL AAIIMALS AT AFRICAN SAFARI PUEBLA IvIDQCO -Carles JuanSalles VERD�VOUS PNEUMOIVIA IN THE EGYPTIAN FRE�RANGING RED FOXES (VULPES VITLPES) CAUSED BY FII.AROIDbS HIRTHI - Atef M. Kaznel USE OF CELL CULTURE INVASION ASSAYS TO DETERMINE PATHOGEIVICITY OF SALMONELLA ARiZOiVA ISOLATPS IN A COLONY OF RIDGENOSE RATTLESNAKES - Adrienne L Lickey MRr.i0ID0^IS IN PISTTACINPS (Bi7RKHODERIA PSEUDOMALLII): A 5 YEAR REVIEW - Nathalie Mauroo BLOOD CEI,L MEASUREMEN'IS FROM BLACKISH RAIL (GALLUS NiGRICANS) - Marcia Elisa Pereira �IND05COPIC AND i7L'I`RASONOGRAPHIC ANATOMY IN AMPHIBIANS - Bernad Schildger CITY OF SAiNT PAUL REQUEST FOR TRAVEL ADVANCE �) Date 1?-�vqOt (2) No.T S�g�P (s) Travel advance requested for: �c,�pl� �awl�f-� �VM Department �cY�cS c.a.�oi�Y�ttSV� Division Q�vl's �.cre�o,�7 (a� Vendor number: (5) Trip to �YLO�GW .�-1_ (6)Dates �Q— 2�j �2p}'� � (7) Purpose -�'�� c�.�o.�.uJ ,//�v�y� r1 ra+.i� c�- /-�w1z�'lccvtn �c�.tQ;�.svre� 2fT � V�-��ILtQYIGlNl9 ` :8) AccountCodes Transportation �t� Yt � �4iv5 Lodging/Meals Registration Travel - Other (9) Dept. Approval for Travel Total Advance requested Department Amount 7S�o.bc� �38�". ZG,1 . oJ l4'�.� In consideration of the advance by the City of Saint paul to me on money requested herein, t hereby agree and authorize the O�ce of Financial Services/Accounting Section, in the event that my travel advances are not reported within fifteen (15) days of the dgte of my return to Saint Paul, Minnesota, to withhold and retain sucN amounts out of my salary as are necessary tor reimburse the City of Saint Paul for the advances made by said City. . c,o> YLG'-�//�(/./c�/��/� (PAYEES IGNATURE) � /Je�i��r�.Y«. (TITLE) � Interdepartmentaf Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL Date: 16 Aug Ob To: Liz Anderson Subject: Administrative Order and Green Sheet for Travel Expense for Dr. Ralph Farnsworth to Attend the 2001 Zoo„y�t Conference From: Victor L. Camp,� Attached are an Administrative Order and a Green Sheet to process funding approval for Dr. Farnsworth to attend the 2001 zoo vet conference. Also attached are Dr. Farnsworth's estimated costs for this travel, a tentative program of the conference, and a Request for Travel Advance. Funding for this expense is available in the Zoo Animal Fund(380-33140). Please note that the conference dates are 19 -23 September and any assistance in expediting the processing of this expenditure would be greatly appreciated. �' ��. Approved � G��ti� Date �� � z' f3 ( Liz And san, Deputy Director Division of Parks and Recreation attach: 5 cc: R. Farnsworth � H:\wp\trav.vetconf9.reqltr# 1