D002061.�� � � App�oved Copies to: - City Clerk (Originaq - Finance Dept's Accounting Division - Police Dept.. C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIIVISTRATIVE ORDER No: Date: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 � 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 �o WI�EREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department is seeking authority to pay for related travel expenses which include air fare, lodging, meals, etc. for up to six Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) participants (non-city employees) to attend the National ICAC training conference being held in New Orleans, LA from December 6-9, 2001, and WHEREAS, this training is sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and SEARCH, the National Consortium for Justice Information and Services, and is specifically designed for presentation to ICAC task force members, and WHEREAS, the ICAC Task Force's mission is to form a multi jurisdictional operation that investigates crimes involving child pornography and exploitation of children online, and WHEREAS, the training is specifically designed to assist task force members in working these investigations, and the specialized nature of computer crimes makes this training a necessary component of the training of the participants, and WAEREAS, computers are changing daily and specific initial and ongoing training in this area is critical for a successfni operation, and WAEREAS, the public purpose of this training is to train these ICAC task force members in investigating and prosecuting child pornography and exploitation cases, and BE IT ORDERED, that the proper city officials are hereby ordered to pay for the above mentioned travel egpenses related to this training for np to six non-city employees, not to exceed $7,000 from account code 436-34056-025x. App � J y: ityAttorn Dete / � +ca�neworleanstraining-a.o. � ! � �i a �DEPARTil.cNT/OFFICElCOUNqL UATEINITIATED Police osiis�zooi GREEN SHEET No. 111818 � � C TA P R ON HON ' INRIAUDA7E INITIALIDATE Wi�lia111F$]ney 2923588 � uEVUe*xExra�crort_ couxa� USiB ONCOUNCILAGE DABY(DATE) { L �qrt0.RaFtNEY ` / � � McCtIERK f � � Is� , .r �'WWCNLSEFNICESOI�,I, ❑FlNANCIpLSERV/ACCI'G u - � � �wnYORIORAS5135ANT1_ ❑HUNANPoGHTS TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQOESTED Approval of the attached administrative order authorizing up to six Intemet CYimes Against Cluldren Task Foice (ICAC) pazticipants (non-city empioyees) to attend the Nafional ICAC training conference being held in New Orleans, LA from December 6-9,2001. This training is sponsored by the Office of Suvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and SEARCH, The National Consortium for Justice Infoimation and Setvices. This uaining is specifically designed foc piesentation to ICAC task force members. The funds aze requested foi lxavel since there are no cegishaSion fees fox task force membeLS. RECOMMENDATION AppfOV2 (A) Of R2JeC1(R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1 Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this departmenl� PLANNING CQMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/frtn ever been a ciry employee� � CNI� SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Oces tnis persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arry cur2nt c�ry employee? YES NO 4. Is this perso�rtn a targeted vendo(? YES NO Explain all yes an5were on sepa2te sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) e ICAC Task Foice's mission is to fomi a mulri jurisdictional opexarion that invesrigates crimes involving child pornogxaphy, and exploitation of children online. Outside agencies participating in the task fozce aze not compensated foL theu staff s rime by the task force. The haining is specifically designed to assist task force memhers in woridng these investigarions. The specialized natute of comguter crimes makes this training a necessary comgonent of the uaining of the participants. Computers aze changing daily.and specific initial and ongoing haining in this area aze crirical for a successful operation. The task force has iraining money to assist our and outside agencies in receiving the necessary personal tools to do qualiry invesrigations. This trainnig 9s sponsored by the grantor and attendance is highly recommended by them. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Approval of the order will allow the task force to send up to siz participants (non-city employees), to training sponsored and xecommended by the grantor. It will assist these membexs in investigating and prosecuting cluld pomography and exploitation cases. The participating agencies have donated their employees time to specialize in this axea and the task foxce needs to xnake certain fl�at the cases developed aze done so in a uaLi mauuer. Ap roval helps the task force acco lish iC's mission. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None RECEIVED DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED AUG 2 � 20U1 Task force participants would not have the necessary training to accomplish what they aze tasked with doin `TY ATTO R N EY L AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ � not to exceed $7,000.00 COSY/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE jCAC �li3rit ACTNITY NUMBER 436-34056 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (IXPLAIN)