D002058Original' City CTerk F;ink - Fin. & Mgmt Canary Services CITY OF SA1NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • . 1 i .._� ! • �. - i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FOR TIME EXTENSION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, W hereas, in the matter of that certain contract l�own as Activity No. 26057 for l�VON-C'Ai.iFORNTA SF.WER F.LiNING City Project No. 00-S-1888 , Insituform Technolo�ies USA. Inc. Contractor, the specified date of completion is December 31, 2000 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of completion because e�rtra sewer replacement and reconstruction was required on Gatewav Drive. and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of completion to June 15. 2001 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby for liquidated damages on this project. • APPROVED AS TO FORM ',�{r`s�ti �'. `�/`.�a�� Assistant City Attorney �ate �I I D � 0 � does waive claim r '/or RUG-15-2001 14�28 FROM wozks Construction Daniei A. Haak 266-6054 AOI CE.qUItC COUTICiI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES TO siiioi �GREEN SI �?"',.Sil fc�a ract Complevon Date from December 31, 2000 co 7une 15, 2001 .IFORNIA S�ER REI.INING; City Project No. 60-S-1888 Insituform Tcchnologies USA. Inc. �IRECfQR a55+3TnnT) 92668689 P.BZi62 Q�� r iM}IAUpATE CfiYCOUNdI � an� c�a'c PNb MGT. SERYICES DIF. RELOMMEIVDAT10H4!Appiwe W a� fie,4R �A� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC'fS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOYVING QUESTIONS: _P�NNINBCOMNA9910N _dVItSERY�CECAMM�SSqN � Hastl�ispersoNfirmeverworKeduntleraconttaciforthistlepartmem? pecannnrrte _ YES NO A$T�F � 2. Has ihis persanlfirm ever been a ciry employee? _u�s�rm. _ YES IVO �'� �+��"�� °��T"�> 3. Does this persoN£um possess a skili not rrormalry possessed 6y any currer�t city empbyee? YES NO Cxplafn atl yex answers on smparale ai�eet atrc3 att:n;� w grwsn stmut INIMTING PROBLEM, ISSVE. OPVOAT7INIT' (lMNO, wHAT, WHEN. WHFAE. WHY): Due ro exaa sewer replacement and street reconswcuon required on Gateway Drive. PDVpNT4GES � pPPaOVED: �e time extension authorizes additional contract time requized to complete the project. None u Fle,c.-:3+F. C�^s"��.cl� dSADVAfYI'ACiE51F NOT APVRO�E6 The work that the Contractor perfomned after December 3I, 2�00 will not be authorized. RECEIVE� AUG 1 5 2001 �1TY ��ER� � TFtM!&ACTIQN S -O- FUNDINO SOUpCE �H flN�NC�AL INFOAMAT1pN. (EXPIAiN) COST/AEVENUEBUOGETEO(CIpCLEONE) Q No AGTIVSiY t7UMDGF CQO .�.�IG.R1 07S'1 'Z(>QS7 TOTAL P.02