D002057CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR A.DMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: �Qb,�O� 7 City Clerk Date: $ -15 -d 1 Finance � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 of the City Charter the Director of the Department of Planning 8 Economic DevelopmeM requests authorization to contribute to the Mississippi River Grand Excursion 2004 Project as fotiows: WHEREAS, the Grand EYCUrsion Board has requested a contribution to River Action, Inc. to launch the Grend �cursion 2004 Project; and WHEREAS, the City's contribution together with those of business and community organizations will heip secure a matching grartt of $50,000 from the Riverboat DevelopmeM Authority; and WHEREAS, the contributions will be used to assist in funding a marketing and feasibility study; and WHEREAS, the activity directly supports Saint Paul's overall riverfront development, and encourages cooperation between the river cities in Minnesota, Wisconsin, lowa, and Illinois; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that the Department of Planning & Economic Development is authorized to contribute the sum of $500 to River Action, Inc. from account P6-126-36075-0245-64620. • �A.� � tb oi Prepa y: Activity anager ( ate) �que e b. e r ment Director (Date) i � �/ls/oi A331f:N NUMBERFOR Rq1TING TOTAL # OF SIGPfATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET �ea ao�,�'7 No 110618 ��. ��. o�.n� � � Fpntle14L9F11Y1C[t_ � F1UNI'1U.aE0.V/ACCTC ❑YAYORIaRASWBrMlt1 ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures on the attached Administrative Order authorizing a$500 conCribution to River Action, Inc. to launch the Grand Excursion 2004 Project. PLANNING COMMISSION d6 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t50NAL5ERVICECONTRAGTS MUSTANSWFA7HEfOLLOWING� F135 ttus persa�mi eVef �wtked u�det 8 conttaCt fa[ Uu6 depaNnent? VES NO Has Mis persoMrm ever been a ciry empbyee9 VES NO Dces this persoNfi�m passess a skill rat namallypossessed by any wrtent city employee? YES NO �s tnis x'rsoMfi�n a targetea venaort YES NO pu� 1 � 2001 CITY GLERK OF TRANSACTION S SOO.00 souRCe PED COST/REVENUE HUDGETED �CIRCLE ON� YES NO acrnm nuras�e P6-126-36075-0245-64620 INFORMAiION (IXPWf�