D002054CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE QF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: p00cZU5 1 CityClerk BUDGETREV1510N Date: �—�—D/ � Finance Dept, ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning & Economic Development to amend the 2001 budget of the City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: WHEREAS, Council Resolution 99-1070 approved a$15Q000 STAR grant for Phase lll of the Merriam Park Community Council's program, Pride in Neighborhood Housing; and WHEREAS, Council Resolution 00-1078 approved a$750,000 STAR grant for Phase IV of Pride in Neighborhood Housing; and WHEREAS, ths Neighborhood STAR Board has approved incorporeting the unexpe�ded balance of Phase 111 into Phase N of the Pride in Neighborhood Housing Project to impove program administration; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends amending the 6udgets of Phases III and IV of the Pride in Neighborhood Housing Program as follows: Current Budget Fund 930 City Sales Tau Capital Projects Fund P7-930•90306-0547-77335 Pride in Neighborhood Housing 111 • P7-930-90306-0547-77439 Pride in Neighborhood Housing IV Net Change $150,000 $150,000 Change (101,474.08) 101,474.08 $0 Amended Budget 48,525.92 251,474.OS �� �� � � �9�'✓�, s � Approve by: irector of � nancial Service� (�ate) G _ .� ��� PED ca+racr vexsori a rr� Judy Lesch 266-6668 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET �Dao aasy N �_ � ���� ❑ an.,roeEV _ rnamc nu�x�w.aExxccsa�e � wuwertmivmccra ■,,.,,��nmo,,,i � Bob Ha�f (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approve budget amendment for the STAR Program to combine the unspent balance of Pride in Neighborhood Housing Phase III (77335) with the budget for Phase IV (77439). PLANNING COMMISSION C18 CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMAAISSION Neighborhood STAR Board }iea Uiis pe�sonlfirm e+erxo�ked wder a cmhaclfarMic d�ar�YT YES NO tlaslFiia PnsaN(pm e�b eeen a cy7y emqoryee? YFS NO oo� a�s ae�saJfmm a� a sia not � br am current alr emabvce? YR MO Is tltis peBaJ(mm a�pefetl vendo(! YES NO It will improve program administration for the Merriam Park Community Council. The City's accounting records will be combined for better control and record keeping. aYwm+roFTrtnnsacnotrs �nt,4�G.nst STAR COS77REVENUE BUDGETm (GRCLE ON� YEE . NO �crrvm,N��xP7-930-90306-0547-77335 & 77439 The net effect to the budget is zero. 7'CT