D002043C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L
�pproved Copies to: ADMlNISTRATIYE ORDER:
- City Cterk (Original) BUDGET REVISION
- Financial Services - Accounting
- Requesting Depi No: � U p?� ��
Date: �— o �i
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, ConSisteM with the authority grarRed to the Mayor in Section 10.D7.4 of the City CAarter and based
on the request of the Director of the Depafinent of Technology 8 ManagemeM Services M amend the 2000 Budget of the
the I�ortnation Services Generai Fund, the Director ofi the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget
as fdlows:
GL 001 01115 0111
GL 001 07715 0280
2,400,818 (25,661) 2,375,157
0 25,661 25,667
2,40Q818 0 2,40Q878
� This Administrative Order moves funds to the appropriate object codes for the purpose of ineeting the additipnal and
unaMicipated increase in cost Por Novell software maiMenance. This represeMS a coMraM adjustmeM in the State of MN
agreement, not adjusted during the past four years. The State coMrad represents a substaMial cost saving overall for this
Approved by: Director of Financial Services Date
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Prepared by: Activity Manager Date
DepartrneM/office/eouneil: Date Initiat¢d Green Sheet No 111676 �(jd a0�
TMS/Information Services 6-27-01
coMact rerson a rhwie: x,ifiwaaee k�iauaat.
Cindy Mullan 6-6838 �
_���t n�. 2 _c�TyCow�
Be on Counal Agenda by (Date) A��9� _ CiTy AttomeY� _ City Cierk 3
Number _ Financial5erv Dir. 2 _ Fwavcial Serv/acc[g_4
For _Mayor(OrAsst) _CivilServiceConwission
R Aetivity Maztager 1 L7lo!
ToTal # of SignaWre Pages 1 (Clip All Loeations for Signah�re)
Aetion Requested:
Signature on an Administrative Order, Budget Revision to move funds from vacant position sataries to cover
addirional cost of Novell maintenance issues determined by a recent Novell License Audit.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Service Coetracts Must Answer the Following Questiore:
1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a cordrad for this departmeM?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has fhis persoNfirm ever been a dry employee?
Civii Service Commission Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normaly possessed by any curtent city
employee? Yes No
Explain all y� answers on separate sheet and alfaeh to green shcet
Initiating Problem, Issue, Opporlunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Novell requested a city-wide audit be conducted. T'he resuits of this audit were costed out using the current State
MN contract with Novell. The contract reflected a once in four year pricing adjustment which was not fixlly
'cipated by Information Services
AdvaMages If Approved:
The City will be compliant with its Novell licen�sing.
DisadvaMages MApproved:
Disadvantages M Not Approved:
The City will not be compliant with its Novell licensing . Legal action and fines could result.
Tofal Amount of Tra�action: S ZS ,661 CosNRevenue Budgeted:
undinysource: Informaton Services, General Fund �"°^E���(j activityNUmner: 01115
uial l�ormation: (ExpWin) �t �� _ � '�'��