D002042C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �proved Copies to: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: - City Clerk (Original) BUDGET REVISION - Financiai Services - Accounting � � D' /a - Requesting Dept No: �7� Date: � ADMINtSTRATIVE ORDER, ConsisteM with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.D7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Directw of the DepartmeM of Technology & NlanagemeM Services to amend the 2000 Budget of the the I�ormation Services General Fund, the Directw of the Office of Fnanaal Services is authorized to amend said budget as follOws: DEPARTMENT & DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED FUND , ACTIVITY AND OBJECT: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET GL GL GL GL • 001 01115 �111 001 01115 0299 007 01715 0309 001 01115 0818 (Construction+ 5°la) (Hardware (2) < 5,000) (Chairs, Files) 2,400,818 0 0 0 2,4Q0,818 U 2,400,818 (31,700� 2,369,118 22,785 22,785 6,415 6,415 2,500 2,500 This Administrative Order moves fumis to the appropriate object codes fw the purpase of constucting and fumishing an office space for a new position created amf apptoved in 2001 Budget process. k also Pacilitates the redesign W a portion of of the existing space to accommodate the new o�ce configuration. �. G� ¢-�- lv/a7 /o � \� d��� �epared b� Activity Manager Date Approved by: Director of Pinancial Services Date °�"1.. ° ,- � �� Requested by: Department Director Date �u�..�ve�.wrowi.erz000i«xoaw..x. DeparlmefA/offtceleouneiL ��n�� Green Sheet No. 111675 �DOc�I� j�o TMS/Informarion Services 6-27-01 CotltaCt PeBOn & Phone: IniGaVdatp InihaYdala Cindy Mullan 6-6838 � rP _Depailmem Dic_2�_ _�TyCowcil BB on CounCil A9enda bY (Da[e) �9� _ Cily AttomeY� _�ty Cleik 3 Number Financiai Serv ISir. 2 Financial Secv/acc[p 4 Ftt _Mayor (OrAssC) Civl Se�vice Co mic�.m Rp�y� Activity Maoager�l�' Order Tofal # aF SignaWre Pages 1 (Clip All �ocations for Signafiire) Action Requested: Signature on an Administrative Order, Budget Revision to move funds from a currently unfilled Network Security Adminisuator position into various object codes for the purpose of preparing an office space. The new position was approved in the 2001 Budget Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Personal Serviee Contrads Must Answer tlie Following Questions; 1. Has this person/firtn ever xrorked urider a coMract for this departmerrt? Planning Qommission Yes No CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city emP�oY�? Civil Service Commission Yes No 3. �ces lbis person7firm possess a skifl nW nortnalty possessed by any curreM ciry empbyee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, lssue, Opportunity (Who, Whay When, Where, Why): e current office layout does not provide office space for the Network Security Administrator recently approved the 2001 Budget. With modest remodeling efforts, a new office can be added to the current office space. Since the position has not yet been filled, we intend to use a portion of the un-spent salary to buildout /reconfigure our current layout and purchase the necessary equipment and furnishings to accommodate this employee. Ativantages !f Approved: The Network Administrator will have an adequate workspace to effectively perform the duties of the position. DisadvaMages M ApProved: None. DisadvaMages ff Not Approved: The Network Administrator will not have an adequate workspace to effecrively perform the duries of the position. Tohl AmouM W Tranaaction: = 31,100 CostlRevenue BudgMed: aing Source: Informaton Services, General Fund activity Number: 01115 Fina�ial trNOrmation: (Explain) � O1UUn\ONEdL\OFFICEl2000\G51116�S.xpd � .r �� , � I� DEPART`MENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES Peter Ham Di CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colernan, Mayor June 19, 2001 Information Services 25 West 4th Street Ste 600 Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention: Kathy O'Neill DESIGN GROUP Ciry HaIL / Cotvthouse Ke[logg BouZevard, Suite I40 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1613 Tel. (651) 266-8850 Fax. (651) 266-8855 Subject: Furniture Layout Options - Project #0109.00 Prepared by: Barbara Mori - Contact at 266-9163 SCOPE OF SERVICES � Information Services has requested that various modifications to the workstation layout and an office be constructed on the 6th Floor of the City Nall Annex Building. Below is a description of the work and costs: The attach plan shows a new office being constructed next to George's office and the workstation layout on the north side being changed to accommodate 5 workstations (rather � than the 4). The estimate is as follows: Cost Estimate Office Construction; walls, carpet, paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,700.00 HM Furniture for new office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,500.00 Additional HM Furniture for Workstation Modification . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.000.00 TOTAL Construction/Furniture Costs $14,200.00 Design/ProjectAdmin .................................... $ 5,500.00 Reimbursables .......................................... $ 500.00 „ Workstation Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.500.00 TOTAL Cost .......................................$21,700.00 PROJECT SCHEDULE Upon authorization from Information Services, the Design Group proposes the following for DesignlProject Administration: * Preparation of Contract Documents; including 2 plan revisions. * Review and approval of Contract Documents * Advertise (if necessary) and award bid. * Administer contract through completion of the project * Periodic site visits while construction/assembly is in progress. If product is ordered from Herman Miller, the lead time is 6-8 weeks. Communication cabling � is not included in the above costs. Please review the plan enclosed and if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at 6-9163. C: Mark Galioway Dave Nelson