D002035� � � AKOmey 5-Jy Date ��/ ��aJ Date C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR MProvee Coviaz to: • C'M1y Clerk (OriginaiJ • Finance DepG's Aecounting oivisian • Requ¢sting Dept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: No: t�oo l ao3s Data: r j ^ GC � — b � ADMINIS7RATIVE ORDER, Based on the request of the Director of the Department of E�cecutive Adminfstret+on - LIEP, the City oi SaiM Paul hereby authorizes paymeM of expenses for the annual award ceremony of the Historic PreservaNOn Commission to be held on 05NSI2007 at the J.J. Hill House. nWnn'rt.�nrro�c�wuxc¢ nnremrtu'r6o ��� Q���l ExecufiveAdministration 05/07/2001 GREEN SNEET NO. 703778 .. i uumiiome COMARP6RWN&PHONC O DWAR'IT4NIO � Ql]�CqJNCQ, SheilaReed266-9111 0 �w�� o �� 6fUS1'BEONWIINC¢AGENDwBY(M'IE] O FWANCIAI,SIXN6SDIX O MN.SERVICFSOFF/ACClG � ASAP O MATOR(O&ASSISTANS) O DFPAitiMENCACQ�UNiMT TOTAL # OF SIGIVATIJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACIIONREQUFSIFD Approval to pay expenses of Historic Preservarion Commissioa's annual awazd ceremony. xemw.mu�nnoi+snppo.e�ywn�m� - PF,RSONALSERVICECONTRACl'SM[JSTANSWF,RTHEFOLLOWINGQUFS770N5: rcn�nuwc coem.us.aox l. Has fLis persod5rm everwoikW imder a cov�act forthis depar�ent? ��� YES NO _crm.s�cv�cecwu.uSS�oN 2. Has this persodfum evtt bren a city employce? _ YES NO _ 3. Does mis persod6mi possess a sltill not normally possessed by any aurmt city employa? _ YES NO 4. Is this pe[son / fum a targeted vrndor? YPS NO (E�lain all yes answers on separate sheet and attac6 ro green sheet) (MN.iwGeROacEM.rssUE,oPeoRiuNm(wno,what,wheo,whue, Wpy) Expenses will be incwred for the annual awazd ceremony of the Historic Preservatlon Commission. This is a public education event to rewgnize projects, individuals and organizarions that enhan.ce and celebrate Saint Paul's historic cl�aracter. LIEP will be responsible for payment of ihese expenses - not to exceed $500. qpVqMAGESIFMPROVED � � Individuals who incw expenses will be compensated properly. OISADVANI'AGES 6 APPROVED. None OISADVqNTwGPSOFNOTqPPAOVED' ��, p�� m The Historic Preservation Commission would experience difficulTy in scheduling the event. �IAY 10 ��� g �{TY ATTORNEY mr�.,�mo`mroarwu+sncnorv_$ 500.00 cosrmEVervuesweerenccuec�eo� O xo �� fl�omcso�ce Permit Fees A.mmnN,m�eR GL - 320-3 � i YL�(lLt YY1 FWAtidALMFORMARON.I`�%P�) �JjJ4J ' JJ�S/ 6 D�� ��qJ✓� Y�� V �