D002032� r - C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR np ADMIl�TISTRATIVE ORDER: � �tyClerk(Origina� BUDGET REVISION j � y � inance Dept's Accounting Oivision .(J� �V�p2 - Requesting Dept No: ` ��: s- 9-0� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the DirecYor of the Department of PED to amend the 2001 budget ot the Capital Fund, the Director of the Department of Finance Services Office is authorized to amend said budget in thefollowing man�er: DEPARTMEN7&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED FUND AND GCTNITY: QUQGEI CHANGES FROM: PED Administration Capital Fund : Subordinated Note 149-76902-0547-68002 Pending Projects TO: Capital Projects: Fund 149 Subordinated Note ; eligible TIF projects 149-76900-0899-69128 Wabasha West 149-76900-0739-68036 Skyway VisitorSignage •� 149-76900-0299-68016 Professional Services for powntown 149-76900-0739-68078 Dayton's Skyway Capital Projects: Fund 149 Subordinated Note ; ineligible TIF projects 1 49-76901-p558-69106 Project Administration - PED Total � '��o�� Preparetl by: AMiviTy Manager " Date � � s `'""� V �ested by: Depa ent Director Date 5,358,102 0 0 0 0 4 5,358,102 (2,483,102) 825,000 450,000 100,000 208,102 900 000 0 AMENDED BUDGET 2,875,000 825,000 450,000 100,000 208,102 900 WO 5,356,102 �Z� App etl y. Mayor �. Date � �,r... aEo ������� ��� p o a ��.� Planning& EconomicDevelopment 04-30-01 GREEN SHEET NO. 111208 �NfACTPFA50NkPHONE � � DEPARThIENI'DREClOR. ._�_ O6 C�'1'YCOUNCLL Tom Meyei 266 - 6667 Q c�rrnrrow�rer O cm cineK MUSLBEONCOIACII.AGFNDABY�A'I� OI FlNRNCW..SER.OFF.DIR � FWSEROFF.ACCIG. �3 AfAYOA(ORA554SC/uY17 O TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATITRE) ACffONREQ[)p1ID Approve Budget allocations to vazious projects. Capital Projects Fand 149 - Subordina[ed Note : Downtovm Capital Projects ar.coe.um�mnno�s� n�o.«n�a�e.9mpx� PEHSONAL SEItVICE CONIRACI'S MOSf ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ��mauncuoH _rnm.srn�con+'msssor 1.Hasthisperson/Cvmeverworkedunderaconnactfortltisdeparmirnt? _cmcot.aw�rree _ YES NO ��srntf _ 2.Hastltispeisonlfumeverbeeuacdyemploya? _DUTwcrcouxr _ YFS NO s�eaoxis w�nctr cou�vcu,oerecnve+ 3. Dces this persoa/Erm possess a skill not normallY Possessed by any nv�ent cityemployce? YES NO (Explain all yes aatwers on uparate shcet and apaeL to green sLeet) wrrurwe exos'rat �ssue, oreonnmrrr cwm, wnu, wnm. wms wny7 The 2001 budget placed an aznount in the Peatling Projects acuvity in anlicipauon of usigning project codes and fnrther refinement of spending decisions. The decisions now move the budgets to the proper acuvity and assign the projects code. qpVANTAGES�APPROVE� The budgets will now reflect spending plans and allow sitnpler treatrnent of the subordinated note expenditures. � DLSADVANTAGPS ff APPROVID None DISADVANfAGESOFNOTApPAOVCD Ttte process of accounting fox the Subordinated Note will be unduty complicated and possible double budgeting of projects will be avoided. iOTALAMOUNTOF1RqNSAClION � COSf/REVF.NOEBIIDGETED(Cil[CLEONE) � NO e,�nrowcsounce 2001 budget nonv�rx,v�mmeu �- 149 - 76900 - XXXX PINANQAI.RIPJRMAT[ON:�. L4QJ) . . ..�I.. . _ _ ���