98-814o�����A� c�1 � �-hd r�c� r� � � a�� oS RESOLUTION OF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To RESOLUTIOIVADOPTIIVGMINNESOTA LAWS 1998, CHAPTER 389, ARTICLE 8, SECTION37, SZ7BDNISIOIV 2 PERTA71KI1VG TO. SAINT PAUL SALES TAX REVTlALIZATIOIV (STAR) PROGRAN� 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts Minnesota Laws 1998. 2 37, subdivision 2 which was revised as follows in the spring 1998 session of the i 3 Sec. 37. [ST. PAiJL NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENT SALES TAX E2 4 REVIEW PROCESS.] 5 Subd. .[APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS.] The citizen review 1 must c 6 who r esents one of the di ' ct councils. T'he a or must a oint the embers an 7 o confirmation b a ma'orit ote f the cit council. Mem ers serve fo a term of fou 8 employees of the city aze ineligible to serve as members of the panel. ; d be it further Council File # 9 g � � �y Green Sheet # �� _ Commi e Date K BERSHIP OIV THE OARD iapter 389, Article 8, Section legislature: TURES: CITIZEN 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby revises Part , Section 1 of the Neighborhood Sales Taac 10 Revitalization (STAR) Program Guidelines as follows: 11 T. The Neighborhood Sales Taac Revitalization Boazd is pointed by the Mayor and approved by a majority vote 12 of the Saint Paul City Council. ach of ttte 17 membe of the Boazd re r sent one of t e Ci 's istrict 13 councils. The i3 17 member boazd serves as the fo al review body far proposals requesting the neighborhood 14 portion of sales ta�c funds. Members erve for a te of four ears. Electe officials and em o e s of the cit 15 aze ineligible to serve as members of the panel. e Board recommends proposals for funding to the Mayor and 16 City Council; and be it finally 17 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Cc 18 submission of Boazd candidates for CouT 19 above by Januazy 2001, when all current 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Benanav Bostrom Coleman x�;s Lantry Reiter Date � 27 Adopted by 28 Adoption 6 29 sy: � by Council Secretary the Mayor to adhere to this guideline change in the on, in order that the Boazd may be comprised as described STAR Boazd appointments will have expired. � Fortn Approved by City Attomey Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council !� 3� Appy6ved by Mayor: 31 Date 1