98-813��������,. Presented Referred To CJi�hdr�t� � � f ab�o5 RESOLUfION CITYpF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � RESOLUTIONADOPTING MINNESOTA LA WS 1998, CHAPTER 389, ARTICLE 8, SECTIONS 30, 3, 32, 36 and 37 PERTAINING TO THE SAINT'PAUL SALES TAX REVITALIZATION ( AR) PROGRAM 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts Minnesota Law 1998, Chapter 389, 2 Article 8, Sections 30-37 which were revised as follows in the spring 1998 ession of the state's 3 legislature: Sec. 30. Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 9, section 46, subdi 'sion 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [USE OF REVENUE5.] Revenues receiv from the tas authorized by subdivision 1 may only be used by the city to pay the co of collecting the taac, and to pay for the following projects or to secure or pay any prin pal, premium, or interest on bonds issued in accordance with subdivision 3 for the foll ' g projects. (a) To pay all or a portion of the capitai e enses of construction, equipment and acquisition costs for the expansion and remode ng of the St. Paul Civic Center complex, arena• (b) The remainder of the funds residential, cultural, commercial, an St. Paul neighborhoods. e amo t� the bonds. be spent for capital projects to fi�rther nic development in both downtown St. Paul and cumulative amounts determined for all ,years under the�recedina� sentence have been made available under this sentence. The amount made available as reimbursement in the preceding s�ntence is not included in the 50 nercent determined under narasravh (bl Council File # �g� 3 Green Sheet#� 1 �R������ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ��•8't3 (d) By 3anuary 15 of each odd-numbered yeaz, the mayor and the caty council mus[ report to the legislature on the use of sales tax revenues during the preceding two-yeaz period. Sec. 31. Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 9, section 46, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [BONDS.] The city may issue general obligation bonds e€tke�it� o� s�ecial revenue bonds to finance all or a portion of the cost for projects authorized in subdivision 2, paragraph (a). The debt represented by the bonds shall not be included in computing any debt Innitations applicable to the city. The bonds may be paid from or secured by any funds available to the city, including the tax authorized under subdivision 1, aa�y revenues derived from the�roject taac increments from the taac increment district that includes the proiect and revenue from any lod ig ng taY imposed under Laws 1982 chapter 523 article 25. section l. The bonds may be issued in one or more series and sold without elecrion on the quesrion of issuance of the bonds or a property taY to pay them. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the bonds must be issued, sold, and secured in the manner provided in Miunesota Statutes, chapter 475. The aggregate principal amount of bonds issued under this subdivision may not exceed $65 million, nrovided that the city may issue additional bonds under this subdivision as lon� as the total�rincipal amount of the addifional bonds together with the outstanding.�rincipal amount of the bonds �reviously issued tmder tY�is subdivision does not exceed $130 million The bonds authorized by this subdivision shall not be included in local general obligation debt as defined in Laws 1971 cha�ter 773 as amended including Laws 1992 chapter 511 and shall not affect the amount of ca�ital improvement bonds authorized to be issued b,y the city of St Paul. Sec. 32. Laws 1993, chapter 375, article 9, secrion 46, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd 5. [EXPIRATION OF TAXING AUTHORITY.] The authority granted by subdivision 1 to the city to impose a sales t� shall e�ire , ' on December 31. 2030, or at an earlier time as the city shall, by ordinance, determine. Any funds remaining after completion of projects approved under subdivision 2, paragraph (a) and retirement or redemption of any bonds or other obligations may be placed in the general fund of the city. 66 Sec. 36. [CITY OF ST. PAUL; USE OF SALES TAX REVENUES.] 67 The revenue derived from the sales tas im�osed � the city of St Paul under Laws 1993 68 chapter 375 article 9 secrion 46 as amended by Laws 1997 charoter 231 azricle 7 secrion 69 4Q that is distributed to the city's cultural STAR program must be awarded throu�h a�rant 70 or loan review process as�rovided in this secrion Ei�hry nercent of the revenue must be 71 annually awazded to nonprofit arts organizations libraries and museums that are located in 72 e desgnated cultival district of downtown St Paul and the remairi n� ZO�ercent may be 73 awarded to businesses in the cultural district for projects which enhance visitor enjovment of 74 the district or to non.�rofit arts organizations libraries and museums located in St Paul but 75 outside of the cultural district Grants or loans may be used for ca ital i provements The 76 r�stricrions in this section apply to all STAR cultural funds expended for projects approved 2 :, :. : :: :� ORiGINAL �g -8'13 after June 30. 1998. Sec. 37. [ST. PAL3L NEIGHBORHOOD INVEST'MENT SALES TAX EXPENDTTURES; CITIZEN REVIEW PROCESS.] Subdivision l. {REQUIREMENT.] Exuenditures of revenues from the sales taac unnosed by the city of St. Paul that ate dedicated to nei��borhood investments may be made on3v after review of the pronosals for expenditures by the citizen review �anel described in this secrion. The �anel must evaluate the �ronosals and provide a report to the city council that makes recommendations regazding the gro sno ed expenditures in rank order. Subd• 2. [APPOINTMENT QF MEMBERS.] The citizen review �anel must consist of 17 members, each of whom represents one of the district councils. The mayor must a�point the members. and the appoinhnents are subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the ci council. Members serve for a term of four Yeazs. Elected officials and em�loyees of the ci are ineligible to serve as members of the nanel• Requested by Department oE Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary By: Appmved by Mayor: Date By: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date 98' -�f3 GREEN SHEET TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAOES L�:ii�I_S3iI::1 No 63951 �� � ❑ tlfYATTOPlEY ❑ UIYGLEPK � RiN1M1.9ER111CFYqR � A11111LULlERV/ACCTC ❑ WYORIORIiS9flTONn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � U y/ • � ' ^ _; . � y9"QI 1 . IL .� `1��ir1 ���`-� �� �� �<<L � ' ^ iG�Z/ �.�a� PLANNING CAMMtSS10N CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION TRANSACTION S tiaslMs person!@rtn ever vroiketl untler a conLact for tiris tleparlmenYl YES NO Hasthis DersoM�m em heen a ctilY �P�oY�� YES NO Does this Versonlfi�m Wasess a sldll not nonnallYP� bY anY currerM1 p1Y emPloYee? YES NO Is this persoNfirm a farpetetl vendoYt YES NO Main all ves answers on se�arate sheet arM attach to nreen sheet COSTIREYENUE BUO6ETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YE8 NO GeurEcil Res�csc � ��,,"�r AUG 2 6 1999