98-165� / Presented�, L ' � � f����� ��/�/D� Council File #� D�, ���' L" �' �g' ��� Green Sheet # _��� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA -3Cj ��` �� Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Committee: Date RESOLVED, thaft�ie Liquor On Sale (C), Sunday On Sale, Restanrant (B), Gambling Location, and Cigarette licenses (License ID No. 31125) held by Debra Johnson d/b/a 5ports Break and located at 1]99 Rice Street�in Saint Paul is hereby xevoked immediately for the violation of Lapse in Liquor Liability Insurance�• Resolufion and the ac6on taken above aze based upon aJl the documents and evidence presented�to the Council, the facts of the current violation which are sununarized in the December 22, 1997 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may haue been presented to the Council at.,the public hearing. The licensee does not dispute the facts of the violation. `�� ` � t ;� <, � µ�� e` � i Requested by Departm'ent of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date �\ By: �'� 4�� Form Approved by City Attarney `° BY: ��R� Ge9�� "�—��—���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: BY� G'i �6-�� ,.„ DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNGL � - wrEixrturm . . . LI�P GREEN SHEET No 60852 COMACT PERSON & PFqNE Wuawab �a Robert Ressler, 266-9112 • oE.AR�1�IrowctloR enrcornd MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGQJM BY (OA'fE) March 4, 1998, Public Hearing °"'�" NuM80ewR ❑attwnouEr arretaK R011T111C. .' �, ❑ wMMtJ�IaErtNCFtoR ❑ wYMCMLiFA10ACCf¢ , ❑ WYdt/011��i4fffANn ❑ T07AL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES (CLJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ,. CTION RE�UESTED . . Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Debra Johnson, DBA Sports Break, located '- at 1199 Rice Street. ,. I PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION WhY) �a��!£ ��'�P,?i��l ����� ��� � � ��� Has this perboMrm eNar vrorketl uMer a conheG for fhis depaAmenC7 vES n�o ties tns personfirm ever been a cilY emWm'ce? YES NO Do� this Perswufirm O�aess e sidll not norma�lyC� bY anY curreM city em0�'ee? YES NO I8 Mis pe'soNfirm a fsrpeted vendo(! VES NO olain all vec ansv.e�s on seuerate sh¢et and aMxh to areen sheet AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION IG SOURCE LL INFORMATION (EXPWN) ACTNITY NUMBER (qRpLfeON� YES NO ROUTING ORDER: Below �e carec.�t routings f� the s'a most freqoent types gf documents: CONTRACT,S (assumes authorized budget e�asts) 1. dutside Ag�4y 2. DepaitmentD'nector 3. �QityAuorney � ' ' 4. , lvfayor/Ass%�tant (for contracffi ova $25;000) 5. FI�aaRighls (for coa4acts over $50,000) 6. Office of F�inancial Services -,Accounting AD�STRATIVE ORDERS (BudgetRevision) I_ AetiyitplyfanageqorDepaitmentAccoimtant 2. Depsrlm�tDirector 3. Office d�Financial Services Director , 4. City'Cleik 5. Office ofFmsncial Services - Accoimting ADIvIIAIISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otheis) 1., DepartmentDirector ' 2. CityAttaaney ` 3. O�ceofFin�ial,ServicesDirector , 4: City Clerk COI3NCII, RESOLUTION {amend budgets/acxeptgantsj ' 1. DepatimentDi;ector . ' 2. O�ce ofFinancial ServicesD'nector 3. CityAttoxney 4. Mayor/AsssF�t 5. City Coimcil 6. 'O�ceofFinancial Services'-Accoimtmg , COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all otI�s and Ordin�ces) 1. Depm�entD"uector 2. City Attnmey 3. MayorJAssisfant 4. City Cauncil EXECUTIVE ORDER 1., Depaztme,mt Dizector 2. CityAttorneg 3. Mayot/Assistmmt 4. City Clak " TOTALNUMBEROF SIGNATURE,PtYGES ' Tn[li� Uie # of pages � wLich siSiet�ses aze =e4��, � P��P or flag eacli of these pagea RECO1WiMENDATfONS Complete if the issue iu qdestionha§ bcen piesented before anY �Y Public �pzivate. ACTIONREQUESTEB Descaibe wLat the project/request saelcs to accomplish,in eidier chronological order or oicler of importance, w}uchever is most appcopriabe for fhe issoe. Do not write complete �ces.' Begin each item in'yws list with a verb. PEI2SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS_ This infom�ati� wi7l 6e used to detecmine tire city's ]iabi7ityfor workas compensation claims, taces and proper ciml savice huing rales. INITIATINGPROBI�[vf, LSS[JE, OPPORTUNITY F.�cplain the �t�ari� or coriditions that cieated a neecl for yois proj� on request. �, �� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVID 7ndicate whetfier this is simply an anuual budgetpcoceduze iequired bp lawlcharfer orwLether there,ace specific ways in wluch 1Le City o£ SaintPanl and its citizens will benefit from this projecUactioa DISADVANTt�GES IF APl'ROVID � � � � � � � What�gafrveeffectsocros,jorcl�ogesfo,e�stinB�'P�P��B��Pro1�9��Pmduceifitispassed' , Ce-&, 4a�c delaYs, noise. ta�t i�ea4es oc sssessmenfs)7 To whom7 When? For how long7 DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conseqae�es if the promised acti� is not approved? Inability to deliver seivice7' Continae lughtcaffic,.noise, �ci�trate7 �s ofrevenue? FINANCIAL ARPACT Althongh you mustJailor the mfoimation yw provide here to ihe issue yon are addressing, ia genefal ywm�Yst snswer two questioos: How much is it going W coslR , Who is guing to pa}r7 OFFICE OF Tf� CITY ATTORNEY PegBir,k CityAttomey �C��(p� CITY OF SAINT PAUL c;�a D;�u,o„ Norm CoTeman, Mayor 400 Ciry Hal! Te7ephone: 612 266-87Z0 ISWestKelloggBlvd Facsimile:612298-5619 Sairse P¢ul, Minrsesota SSIO2 February 17, 1998 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 RE: Licenses held by Debra Johnson d/b/a Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in St. Paul License ID No.: 31125 Our File Number: G97-0557 Dear Ms. Johnson: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, ��q� �{ .-� r, 1998 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the fact concerning the lapse in your liquor liability insurance has not been contested. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license o£fice will be for the revocation of your licenses. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours �����f �� Rachel H. Young Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. Director, Dist. 6 Planning Council, 1055 N. Dale St., St. Paul, MI3 55117 G.�-�� UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Debra Johnson d/b/a Sports Break Address: '1199 Rice Street Councif Hearing Date: February 25, 1998 Yiolation Date: Place: Lapse of Liquor Liability tnsurance November 1, 1997 through December 4, 1997 Licensed Premises Presumptive Penaity: Revocation of licenses Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of licenses Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License information 4. insurance information �, CI'TIT OF SATNT PAUL No'm CoTeman, Mayor December 22, 1997 Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesata SS 117 OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY PegBir yAttomey ��- � b �o Civil Division 400 Ciry Xall IS Wesr Kel7oggBlvd Saim Paul, Minnesou 55102 Telephane: 611266-8710 Facsimile: 671198-5619 Re: All licenses heid by Debra Johnson dlbla Sports Break for the premises located at 1199 Rice St. in St. Paul License ID No. 31125 Deaz Ms. Johnson: The Director of the O�ce of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection wi11 recommend that adverse action be taken against your licenses held at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the foilowin� information: According to insurance records provided to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection, your liquor liability insurance lapsed between November 1,1997 and December 4,1997. Failure to have liquor liability insurance is a violation of Saint Paul Legisiative Code §A09.065 and §310.Q7. If you do not dispute the above facts, please send me a letter to that effect, and the matter will be scheduled for a hearing before the Saint Paul City Council to determine the appropriate penalty to unpose on your license. You, or someone on your behaif, wSll have the opportunity to appeaz before the City Council and make a statement as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you wish to dispute the above facts, you are entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge. At that hearing both you and the City wili present witnesses, evidence Page 1 and cross-examine the otL � wimesses_ If this is your choice, ple. : send me a letter sta'tu g that you are contesting the facts. You will then be sent a notice of the administrative hearing with the time, date, and place of the hearing, and a brief explanation of the procedures. Please let me know in writing no later than Friday, January 9, 1998, how you wish to proceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 266-8710. If I have not heard from you by F� riday, January 9,1998, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts, and the matter will be scheduled for the hearing before the City Council. Sincerely, �/ �-4 Uz.ta� � `� n� 0 Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, D'uector, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Kathy Cole, Exec. D'u.ector, Dist 6 Planniug Council, 1055 N. Dale St., St. Paui, MN 55117 Page 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA �4S-��S ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 22, 1997, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereo£ in an envelape addressed as follows: Debra Johnson Sports Break 1199 Rice Street St. Paul, MN. 55117 (which is the last known address of said person? and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed arid'�ao � o�re me this 22nd da of�D e 997. �� �c�� Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... 31125 AC 30HNSON, DEBRA SPORTS BREAK 1199 RICE ST 5511`7 Exp Date ................. 10/31/98 License Name ............. CIGARETTE . GAMBLING LOCATION (CLASS B) . RESTAi3RANT (B) -MORE THAN 12 SEATS _ SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR . LIQ-ON SALE-100SEAT5/LESS-C NOTS AREA ................ 13005 . PA NOTICE SET FOR 11-22-95 SENT OUT 10-09-95 . 99 MAILED, 33 EMAILED, 3 INTBROFFICE . 11/22/95 APPN FOR NEW LIQ ON SALE (C), SUNDAY ON . SALE, RESTAURANT(B), AND GAMBLING LOCATION(B) . APP'D C.F. #95-1386 . 1/4/96 STATE APPN AND INS IN NAME OF K.D.CORNER . FAXED TO STATE AND ENTIRE FILE GIVEN TO C.ROZEK . TO DETERMINE WHO THE OFFICERS ARE AND WHAT ROLE . DEBRA JOHNSON & DIANE SPETEN HAVE IN THE CORP.-LAP . 2-16-96--MARK LICENSE ACTIVE PER CHRISTINE ROZEK . --LK--LIC . 4/5j96 REQUEST TO ADD OFFICERS REFUNDED-P.V. # . V-330-8092--LAP-LIC . 9/18/96 C.F. 96-1151 APP'D SUSPENDING ALL . LICENSES FOR ONE DAY. SUSPENSION STAYED FOR . 18 MONTHS ON THE CONDITION THAT THE LICENSEE PAY . THE COSTS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND REMAIN . S LAW ABIDING AND OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER AND HAVE . NO VIOLATIONS OF TEH PROVISIONS OF ANY ORDINANCE, . LAW OR CONDITION RELATING TO THE OPERATION OF . THIS BIISINESS DURING THE 18 MONTH PERIOD. . 11/22/86--LETTER SENT REQUIRING PAYMENT OF $590.33 . IN HEP.RING COSTS. (PAYMENT DUE 12/2Q/96) --LAB . 2j7j97 - RECEIVED $590.33 FOR HEARING COSTS - 7.AR . 12/4/97 RECEIVED WARNING NOT TO OPEN ESTABLISHMENT . DUE TO DELINQUENCY AND NO LIQ LIAB INS. AT 3:30PM . KRIS S WENT TO INSPECT. THE BAR AIAS OPEN AND . SERVING. Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. 3ond Effective Date...... 3ond Expiration Date..... Cnsurance Carrier........ :ns. Policy Number._..... 'nsurance Effective Date. ns. E�cpiration Date..... ssociated Stock Holder.. ealer No ................ ax Id ................... �rker Comp Exp Date..... slephone ................ T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY PENDING 12/05/97 11/O1/98 DEBRA RUTA JOHNSON 2212975 ,.. �. " y�':x3Y�.��"�a:vGY!'-""s'd�y" ais—.r ;: �al.�- ,�,..,,_.F �-��—\�`� ? ���E�������.��, ��� �RL� �� . ' s - e "'�,^ �? onre�ui.wa�r+� '- S� e= ...=� �. �. � —���.� u-� - : x����'� 12l04l97 � PR°�ts�'ER 7HI5 CERTIFlCATE 7S 155UE6 AS A MATTEA OF INFORMATION SUNRISE PARK INSURANCE AGENCY iNC ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERi1FICATE 2063 COUNTY ROA� E EAST HOLDER THtS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND 4!2 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 A�TER 7HE COVERAGE AFFORDEO BY iHE PQIICIES BELOW. 812-777-7475 COAiPAN1ES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY q T.H.E. INSURANCE COMPANY �usur�o DEBRA dOHNSON LCtBANY . DBA: SPORTS BREAK '' 1198 RICE STREET COt �% / �S ST PAUL, MN 55117 C i D _. .,,..._ t v� �C��_�_�&� ^° .��'rdsta�'�,��':�.. ���sx �.��s- .�' °-.�;�.r`.s. r�'."s° x�.<.'���."�`. ��yy.ra`G��'� � r�K,� .,.�r�N¢�� _.�� THIS IS TO CERTIFY TW\T iHE POUCIES OF INSURANCE LJSTED B�OW H4� BEEN ISSIi£0 T� THE WSURED NAtdED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD iNDIGATEO, iVOiWlitiSTFNDING ANY RE4UtREMENT, TERM OR GONDITION OF kNY CANTRACT OR DTHER DOCUMENT 11ATH RESPEGT TO WrtICH THIS GEk71FICFTE MAY 8E ISSUED OR lAAY PERTWN, THE INSURkNCE f•,FFOADEfl SY THE POLJGES DESCRBED HEREIN IS SUO3ECT TO ALL THE TERMS, £XCLUSIONS hND CONDITfONS fJF SUCH POLICIES. 11MITS SH6WN M4Y HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, �� TYPEOFINSURANCE POUCYNUh6ER POL1CYEfFEC1AlE VOLIGVEXVIMTON �IMRS OPiE�MbVOd'YTy OGlE(MlNMY^!Y) 6E]JEFALUR&LIN GEHFR4tAGGREGA'E 5 GDMME°GIAtG.NERAlUAB1LiN PROpUGTS-LONPpPAGG S = C'AN45tdAPE �OGGUR PEft50NAt8FDViWt'RY 5 014NER'SBCONTRAL70R'SPROT ERLHOCLURRE�JCE f FIRE CAMAG� (Any orre frey t ME� EXP {F�y one pa�svn� I t LUTOND&LE UGEtUtt ANYAUTO �r�� � GON91NfDS1NGLELAYl7 f A:LdtiNE0AUY05 �;��� �� SD91LY INlURY = SCH£DULED AllTOS .�t� � � � � � C (fe� person) NIftED AUTOS �� sat� a� �s�t � as� a aa�v� w�r� NON-OY.1iEDA`JTOS �� I • ( n�,°��a�+cjiR' S I PROPEA'tY DANAC,E S GARAGELfA61LRT � \ AUTOOh'LY-EAALCYD=NT S ANYAViO ��I�1L� OTHER7W�NAU7DONLY '-'"''��^ ` � � 1 I FACHACCIDENT S r � / r AGGREGAZF f IX �S�` 9 t� � i,� EALiIOCCtlRRENCE S UMBRELIAFORM AGGRECASE i OTNER THAN uM9RECL4 FoitM i i1DFiCEr^.f.CAd1PEN5AT10NAN0 ' WCSTA7L. O7N- ='-= . — _!_ '- ENFLAYEFS'ilA9WN -- —'__'_ '— ELEACHACCIOENT S TNEPROPRIETOR/ � ElDI5EA5E-POLiCY�7Aq7 S PART�RS/EXECUTIVE OFRCERSARE EXCI EIOtS£PSE-FAFSJIPLOYEE S OTIER $300,000 OCCURRENCE A LIQUOR LIABILI7Y PEt3DING 12IDd/97 11/01l98 $300,000 AGGREGATE DESCRIpi) WJ pF {7PERA7iD/iSh.00A7KJNSNE}i7CLFSlSP£ CIAt TfEA16 TAVERN �.. : , Q._ _ � az:��.�.�� SHWLD ANY OF ME ABOVE CESCR6EU AOLIGIES BE GAXCELL� BEFORE iNE CIN OF ST PAUL RPtRIITION DAtE 111E!¢flF, 7ilE ISSUINO GOb'PANY N7LL ENOEAY(M 70 MAIL UCENSI NG DIV�SION � 0 DAC& WRtTfEN Ntl'fICE 70 TNE CS2t1FICATE HOIpER NdYEfl TO'ME ttfT, 350 ST PETER STREET, SUITE 300 eUf FMIRE 70 WiL SUCN NOnCE SHU1 I ose xo oe�wa oR ivaam OF ANY qMD UPON NY� � EN15 H}TATVES. ST PAUL, MN 55102 nvnao�ox�e ,ESarrr,n� ;-� � �C/ .ti Q . - m. �t!.Qi3� , , �$ �k*X�'�rt�k�k��:�*+k'k* -COMPI.JOJ2NRL- %�*�> �**'e*�=*��«» DR�E NW-05-1995 *�**+� iiME 11:1? M>'� ?.al �.� � b��S MODE = r�n�'�Y TRqv `•��I�1 _ STq�T- 11�10 F�=N'J'J-ZS ?1:i7 FILE N7,= 225 N0. COM Ci'�EWNT4IK STf,TIGN W.3^M1E� P�ES FRG.NO. Pxji GR�i hiRME 70.EPo-70� !.'J. 0Z3 OK <01> STP.TE L?� CON 00L081 -CIT1' OF ST PRU� L`.F3 - ********'"�''�*********��***�� -5?2 255 S+_24 - **� - E12 2b5 ?124- *�. "' "' "' �{�X � ��eT�)O�f'�'� At:er.tt �ERTIF{CATE OF PPOGIiC[R � 3kiC Insvixace 6toap, Iaa I 35D0 �esi SOth Sueec i Sui:e 150 l Y.inaeapolis� !�I 55431 ___ � ��SVREO � Debta Johnsoa j DBA; Spoxcs Bzeak � 1199 Riee Screet _ i Sc. Pau2,, �N 55117 iCOVFRAGES , 7M:S IS TO CE�m"F!T T� Po4GE5 OF M+URW� I�, i�'PEOi�NSUALNCE � i ' :�����T y M M �«��«�; � �_���a� � DW*IPt5 sCOn1 P0.'J� � � 'y � atROMOLttE�W�m' __� p`NP'J�O ..� N10'r*1FDAVTDS �. $[MEpVLFDAVTPS ' � „ MIREpA4R05 i ��-NON4WMEOdU�9 � r� _ ' .6uvr.£tnown � � „ 1 � VM,Bk4��d+N _ ip�v�pTUNUN.9REWS'J qp�3,AS�pMOF�iS0.TfOM P'�D FMR�KAS WIDim � /O�ICYMIMOlII TNiS CERTIflCqTE IS 155us ONiY AND C013FERS NO no�nea. Tx�s �cE�e CO�GAQ'AES J � C0 q lSOUn Vernon Fi ppMpanY �s �._ . cp�ot,hv 'i'O�IS INSUFiSlC� j � — ��S�SOv�; � coM rsr SiA� P•?:.: D � 1tnVE E4fN 45SJED To TXE+NSVpEO �N OfwNV CONiF3Cf Ofl CTNER DC >RDEO BY TiE �U�3 'JES��'� � pVE B"eEn REW�D b1'YAI'JtiAV+S. ,' p D �rt[�P'� : O�M✓JDD/Yh ' ; . : i 'iN15 INSUX{.Y_c lt :C:.'� � nmar3iT TL $S4tt , . ' .c �.,. S17.R7e117SL:t�:FS:e�.E� St.^'f-;`; :.,;;-:. TiL STF7E 0.�iF:h ei^r?. '; f;�,�.x �„���1 orcwMS u w.tt cuadx=E�,- I i t _ i t .�. ..A � :OiNFII ' 6� Liquos Liability � YbD � 11-1-96 �12-1 +SI00,000. Each Oceurrenee } ($3Q0�000. Aggregace 1 � ' -- �oESbemox or au+�x,LLYlsramt mi�s t.*,p� Zp gE CF�iNGED flti LICE2iSE 20 &EAD 'K.D- KORNEB., INC- DBA: ' R.D. RO&NSR` City oF St. Yaul/Lic. DSv 350 Se. Petes Sueet Suite 3D0 St. Paul, Sitt 55102 swou�e nKr a Mc eeeve arsan�� rwars ae eewrna� atcane nrt DtnpU10M WRE TI@AEOF. lNF 1�tANG 90MOANP �Y61 G'#1NM i0 M�4 ID DAYS MARTFfi NOTC[ 101ME LEM�9NiF NOtDU fU.M4D TO M tEfi our ruwnc m rw� suw rroc� sH.0 uvorc w ovucRna+oa uunm OF rw1 OND WON YlL TJ �� ISNONttDR��'� TOTi� P,01 P ,x.x.cr._" ... _ CD- �-i i �S � �Unr'r tn tNC y,hxt7E56SR '� :rciti;:f• iS F7f EY�£i4'�E ' ._�^ nit!S;U" V " 6Y ., n;SSO:YFPLY.'371dHt[ 15 SU6IECT TO A:l llMRS COM6iNE9S.M0'�Ft f 5 9p911.Vp1JURT f Pnwznl ' 't s p'� � AAl1A LICEnrSE RENEWAL INVOICE , CQMPLETE OTHER SIDE OFTHIS PORTION AND RETURN H'IZH YOURPAYMENT State Taz I.D. t!: 2212975 DEBRA R 70HNSON SPORTSBREAK 2278 IiILO AVE 23 OAKDALE, MN 55128 License Code 2082 2168 2480 2390 a�y� License Name LIQ-ON SALE-100SEATSILESS-C - SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR - RESTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS GAMBLING LOCAITON (CLASS B) - �°�<<r�� a��� S License I.D. # 31125 xaMIT To: CITY OF SAINT PAT3L Office of Licensq Lupectiom and Faviroamenfal Protection 350 S. Mc� St Sw¢ 300 c-^ AW, M�na 53102 (61�3669090 License Expiration Date: 10/31/9G Payment Due Date: 10/31/96 Total Amount Due: 54891.00 If PaYin$ only lst Half iquo p: 5299�:90 oing Busincss aL• � �� �o ����,�� � � G�j • . PAUL, MN 55104 �t License Fee $4200.00 O1 $4200.00 5200.00 O1 $200.00 $425.00 O1 $425.00 566.00 Ol $66,p0 � i?� °° c� .� � 7, od (Bond andlor insurance if applicable must be submitted with payment.) �31125* Insurence Ezp. Date : I l/01/96 {� �� f�/ � ( Bond andJor �n� information attached ) G� l ' -_ - _,::..,, - . _ _ .. _ _- - `-;. - - -__- - --- -" � t�,:�.: - - . , - " .. _ - ' .' . • . -' .. � ' . _ .- . .: .. i`.Y.}:5, . _ . .. .. . . . .. �'e ' _ � � , . ON SALE LIQUOR RENEWAL LICENSE APPLICATION �tss-��S CITY OF SAINT PAUL O�ce of Liccnu, 7aspections and Eavuomnunal Proteclion 350A.}kicxS.S�eY300 5a� RW. MaWa S51@ (61� 3669100 License I.D. 11 �/�°�s ApplicanUCompany Name: � Doing Business As: � � � Business Address: Mail To Address: Applicant Name: _ nl City Date of Stete Zip �ome Phone: 7� ���� Home Address: _ ZZ �� �"7�7I C �`�-- V L.� •��C�fl.Q� 1��!/�_ .�, sv�c aadresa (� ctry s� zcp T of Business: Resburant X ! � ypa CSub � Hotei/Motel _,� j� T3anager Infq rma' n /] � ! � ! �i'� �;�!�ame: \ " , �! -�/ n Date of Birth: Home Address: ` 1 ��-c✓t l �-- Ur.�— �o � �iC ?C� �11... � �i� J I � � }. Sheet Addtess� City Stste Zip Home Phone: 1�� `��� Original Date of Empioyment�� Are any of the following taxes or charges for the licensed premises unpaid or delinquent?: ; Reai Estate Taxes Yes �_ No Personal Property Taxes Yes k No City Utility Bills Yes _..�._ No Special Assessments Yes _� 230 If tbere have been azry changes in imeresls in premises or finances, or contracts between applicam and any person, corpontion, parmerships, or any new loans since license was ]ast issued, explain in detail: � n � J J �-'�.� Seating Capacity (circle 11t weY 100 seats of Applicant wn;e � ore� d u�s ��vr: � Stm,et Address over 200 seats Aate .w:ea �vss SYieet Addmsa ty Stefe Zip � �.`� (�'l� �� �1.�? �a�r`�'�t� i�/t✓i s�%.�--A`