RES 16-2118 Soccer Stadium Liquor CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL-OF SPECTAL LAW. BY GOVERNING BODY - ���t�M��SO� s��s, 645.02 ana 645.a2i� • - STATE OF iVIINNESOTA . . . . � . � Counry of l � � � , . . _ . ...-- -� - E °� TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE'OF M�NNESO,TA:. � _ . • . ... _ ._..... . . .....:.�... ..._....�_. ... ._... . f '" ' ' '_" ......_.. �_.....__. ... ._..... . - � �� PLEASE T11KE NOTICE,That the undersigned chief clerical offieer ofilie--=-=--=- �---- �-� - - - -- ; a� _._ -- - -- ---:_.._____.., ._....--_--_ _-- . . ._.__ ._ . . .. . . . .__. ----...-------------_ _ . . . . . � � a¢ s���- � . i� { � � � DOES HEREBY CERTIFY,that in compliauCe with the provisions of Laws,20�, Chapter l_`��S Q zequiring approval by a majority* of th�gaverning body of said local � . 1 .. .:_ _. .. - -- governmental unit before it becomes efFective;the �;c�--�cr,t,t� ��-�:u--�t�rr,otc�-f----����- �-'—°-�--����- (designate�oveinin�body�___ ___ ____ � at a meeting duly held on tlie�_day of� r.��wv�loz,+'20 )� ,by resolution � �-� t� 'o�1 i�S did approve said Laws,20 �� ,Chapter 1�9 , (if other than resolution,specify) . 1 by a � ' � ma�ority vote'' of a11 of the members thereof (Ayes ��; Noes�_; I Absent or not votui , and the following additibnal steps,if any required by sta.tute _..._. . _ g . ------._�—_---...__..-- ----------- -�-�---- =---....... ___— _ ___. . ----. . � ..... -----� -- —..—_..----.._._ ...____..._._..----- ----�__� _ _---or chartei�ete taken: , 3 ..---.._.___..__..._......_....__ .:.. ..: . ,_. _.-. ......_..----,^__.... . ... � A copy of the resolu�ion is hereto anuexed an�made a part of tlus certificate by reference. .. : ._ _..--- -. _ __ . ..__..�...---.. --... _ .. .... .. ...:.. .. . � - . . Signed:------ -- -. _. ..__. _ . :.. . __---------:.-__:.:------ ..:.:.._......_.. .._ ..__ .:�.: ...... ...... . .. .. .._ _ . .--- - � - : . �_.. .. :.,.__—,-::..-=_:=.-T=--�= --. : ._ . _-:^_ =.---_ _..- _ _. __.. .._.... .. - -- ------ - � . .- - --- ._. _ . - . . ..� ..... a.. . _ ��c�.._..._ .___.._....__.. . .. . . . . . .-- ----_._.._... _ . . _ _... , . _ �- -..(Offi�ial-des� - .�i�n bf of�"i�es}.� . . . . _ ___� - ..........._._-------- --- --- . - . - .._ . .... —_....... . . . ... � .. ... ........------ __—_-----. .. _. _ .._.: . _._. -- -� .. .:.-::,:.._:......�._ _. --.---._.. .�._..__..:_.__�is facmprascn'bed by'the AtYomey Gea�eial and fiunishedby tfie Secretary of.Stare=as�sqniiediall�i�eaoJa:�ta'tiite&�.��AJ.If�------------_:____�.: .............. .... ._ *If cxtraordinary majariry is zeqaired by the speci si law,inserc fraction or percentage here....--- --_.-----------.--------_-.. :.... ._....----.__.._.... ... - -------�---- --- - -. . ._ . _.. — :- ----.._ -�----°- _.._.....- --._---. .._ Please see reverse side for ins6-net�ans for completing-this form.... -_-_�----� . __. . _. . ... _._.---- - -•- -�---- --- .. � ... . . �.. . ...a. . -crorwervntBCrr�cwTeorrprnpv.�2.'_�'F_'S_P�C..PiTT�w�a.._..__"�;. .... _.__... .._..�L�L_..r._.___�__—_. ._.___� —....._._..._. ... __._.. . . .__._ . ...... .._ .. ..._. .."_........_.. . ..._"...."__'____. _... .. . .. , � __ . ... _ ..'_" i � - � 1 e _ _ r,�_r_ �_ t � .��-.:���,�,�,, City of Saint Paul City Hali and Court .� �,�Yr A�, ,yS HouSe �,�4�' � �'�'';;, 15 West Kelio99 ��` �', �`;: _ Boulevard �,�. q ilt�ii ,�;� .,, :w st�ELi ��� Signature Gapy Phone:651-266-8560 � ' ���: � � ''`� �"� 16-2118 - "���, "�>�;�-�" Fiesolution: RES � �,:.... � IFile Number: RES 1,6-2118 " I Approving a Special Law enacted bn On-Sale L quo SLace seg`oraservicss(a9the Major League session allowin9 the City to issue a � Soccer Stadium. 1 , WHERFJ�S,during the 2016 regufar sess�rticle 4, Secfon 19,whgcM all�ows t e Caty to i s'ue anota enacted 2016 Minn.Laws,Chapter 189,A on-sale liquor license for serv+ces at the Major League Soccer Stadium;and in a timely manner with WHEREAS,the Special Law requires the City ot Saint Paul to comply� vote of all Minnesota Statutes Sec,tion 645.021,which requires approvai by resolution of a majority , members of the governin�body or unit;now,therefore, be it e Council of the City ofi Saln�Paul,the Special Law pursuant to the pravisions RESOLVE.D,by th roved; and be it contained herein, is in all things adopted and app F1NALLY RESOLV ED that the City Clerk, as�e chief Gerical officer of the Ca e S��at pstat�9 a" file�nrith the Secretary of State,in a form prescribed b(oval of thise awen camp�iance with Minnesota the essential facts necessary to the adoption ancl app Statutes Sedion 645.021,Subdivision 3. � At a meeiing of the City Council on 12R/201i,this Resolution was Passed. r Yea: 6 Councilmembe�r 8 c'tPf esident S�tarfc, Councilmember Noecker,and ber Tolbert,City C Cauncilmember Prince . Nay: 0 ' ' . Absent: 1 Councilmember Thao . �--I �S�' � � Date ���016 V�te Attested by � ` C�unc_il Secretary T:rudy Maloney I• ; - F � �' 12/72.2016 A roved b Mayor ..��" Date PF Y Chris Cflleman I Prlr�fed on 97/1717B c;ty of Saint Pau! page� � .