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White city Clerk CITY ©F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary- Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: sD —3 0 0 8' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 15 1976 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul , Lease Agreement with Zion Lutheran Church, St. Paul , Minnesota, for use of its premises at 772 Cortland Place by the Youth Service Bureau, a division of the Department of Community Services; said lease of the premises to be for a period of five months commencing August 1 , 1976, at a monthly rental of $275.00; a copy of said Lease Agreement to be kept on file in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Funding Code: 33060 - Youth Service Bureau • APPROVED FUNDING: Direc ce mt. Services APPROVED AS TO FORM c As i tan City Attorney —D-ela ment Head Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor