D2978 White - City Clerk C I T Y OF SAINT PAUL, Pink - Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR U p No: ]) L 6 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 1 1976 AS ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officers are authorized to execute Subgrant Agreement with St, Paul Tenant's Union, pro- viding Community Development Block Grant Funds, Year II, in the amount of $23,907, 00 for the term commencing September 1, 1976 and terminating August 31, 1977, to be charged to Fund No. 30676. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Dire or, Departme f Finance and Managem4nt Services APPROVED S TO FORM Assis an City Atto y. Department Head Community Development Coordinator Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor