D2937 White - City Cterk CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. , Canary— 9epc a • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AUG 12 1976 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, award to all bidders on Bid Number A6914 for the Removal and Disposal of Dead and Diseased Trees is approved on an emergency basis as a result of the rapid spread of Dutch Elm Disease and the need to take immediate action to remove the source of infection. Low bidders will be used to the maximum of their capabilities. Cam 02 Funding: Contracts awarded are not to exceed $100,000 in total . These funds Z are presently in Code 43102, possibly to be transferred to Code 33121. � 7G Directo - nance & kanagement Serviced AP S TO F R Assist t City Attorney Departme Head DONALD E, STANTON ASSISTANT PURCHAS NG AGENT • Date (:2�Adrninistrative'Assistant to ayor 8/4/76/Smith/jk