D002029. d , City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMII3ISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Amended Budcfet Chanae Budaet ------- ------ 1,180,860 -0- 100,000 (8,520) 187,267 8,520 893,593 -0- ------- ------- 1,180,860 -0- ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with Che authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 2001 budget of the Capital Imnrovement Pro�ects-2001 fund, the Director of the Department of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Capital Improvement Projects-2001 Fund CO1 Spending 9T031-0279-00000 bldg repairs-contingency 100,000 (8,520) 9T031-0279-93008 bldg repairs-Librasy 187,267 8,520 9T031 - All others 893,593 -0- Financing Fund C01 � 9T031-7321-00000 transfer from CIB 9T031-7321-93008 transfer from CIB 9T031 - All Others �°���� Pre�pared by: Activity Manager ������/�.��- Requested by: Department Director No: ,�ooaaa9 Date:�� 91,480 195,787 893,593 1,180,860 91,480 195,787 893,593 1,180,860 ����� Approved by: Mayor Date r ✓� � �D(�� l��c� D�P��ro�rcE�o��.: nA� �,rTTaTm GREEN SHEET No.: 113402 raries Apri124, 2001 CONTACT PEI2SON & PHONE: � 7[�iTTAUnA1'E IIVI't'7AI/DATE I.ee Williamson 266-7080 1 Drr�x�x' Dm. ana crrY covxcu. ASSIGN NLMBER CII'YATfORNEY 3 CfCYQBItK FOR MCTST BE ON COUNCII, AGENS?A BY ROUTING (DATE) oRDER rm��tt a smTnrrc�u,sIItvtcFSinccr 2 PSO/D'u� I]BAP.RY TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATL7R�) ncTTON xEQUESTEn: Administrative order moving monies from the 2001 Capital Maintenance program to the Capital Maintenance Library budget to cover the costs of a new futnace at the Sun Ray Branch Library. RECOMMENDATIONS: Appcove (A) oz Reject (R) fl°]B$84DF.YRII, �]�R7H27E �Fi'�l�fil2'If@ IDflQJ�7f P1FT8@J�' LB 7f� ]F�II,I!„�@SAl`3� �1UE87fII�FT6c �raN,�rGCOt�ssiox _cnwsExvtcE coNmussZOx Y, Hae�isp�saa�femeverwa➢redwodeaasoatrastfaSavsdeyee¢�Yt cm co�mv�a _ sx� — 3. HesSovsp�aan/S�arcvabe�asdty�apioyee? _Drsvuct covxT SUPPORTS WHICHCOUNCII,OB7EC11VE? 3. IDoes �es persodf�rn passess a s�4 nut masma95Y F��B� b7' �S' c� �3' �ysloya? 4. Is �es peesoa�5e�c a fac�ekd veaolce7 �� q¢� n�vmus � e¢@mvm4s ef�¢4 m� m9�¢� tr� � el�¢m4 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSfJE, OPPORITIMTP (Who, What, When, Where, 4Vhy)� Excel Energy red tagged the twin fiunace at the Sun Ray Library due to a hole in the heat exchanger. The Library did not have the funds budgeted far a replacement fiunace. This administrative order will move monies from the contingency to the Library's budget to cover the cost of the replacement furnace. ADVAN'fAGESIF APPROVED: The Library will have the monies for the replacement furnace. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISAD VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVRD: The Library will not Y�ave ttie funds available in its budget to pay the costs of replacement. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $8,S1A COST/REVENUE $UDGETED: Yes FUNDING SOURCE: ?A�l Capital Maintenance Contingency ACTIVITY NUMBER: C01-9T031 ANCIAL INFOAMATION: (EXPLAIIV) i D.�susandwpdoca�Fvnacexeplac�eat fa S1wAay AO.wpd