D2852 White — city clerk G I TY OF ►SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR /J� G� G� No: �../ -yC ��iC ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ,JUN 3 0 1976 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Dixec ton o6 the Depa4tment o j Pubt i c WoxU i,6 d iAec ted to inveati gate the need jon atonm water tunn.etA and .ato,%m water Aewers and aU a Aa that " neces.aany jon eon6tAuction thenejon, in the area appnoxi.mateey deAcxibed as 60ttows: Bounded by Hamti ne Avenue, Rice Skeet, Inteutate 94, and Como Avenue. AZZ the above to be (mown as the ST. ANTHONY HILL STORM SYSTEM. The Dixecton i.6 authox zed to obtain .6unvey6, pnepane, ptana and deveeop cost eatcmates. 15 the Dixe c ton detenmi,n.e a that a pro l ec t ox b chedat e o6 pxo j ec to iA neees.a any, he a haU z ubm,i t these a6 wed as a %ecommenda;ti o n to the D ur ec ton o f Finance. APPROVED AST FO ,p Ci y ttor W.A. Hwt tt ey epartment Head Date 4 Administrative Assistant to Mayor