D2691 White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL
Pink — Finance Dept.
Canary— Dept.
No: -1���--
Date: APR 9 1976
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that Charles Eide, an employee of the Department
of Fire and Safety Services, was injured in a third-party accident
on May 3, 1974, while engaged in the performance of his duties;
WHEREAS, the City has incurred medical expense in the amount
of $77. 50 therefor, and said employee was disabled from work for
a period of time being paid salary in the amount of $142.05 for
which the City may claim credit at the rate of $100.00 per week;
that Fire Engine No. 19 was damaged in said accident to the extent
of $1,464.81 for which Registered Bill No. B00946 was issued and
the City further incurred court costs and pre-litigation expenses
for which the City is entitled to reimbursement for under the
Workers ' Compensation Act; and
WHEREAS, a compromise settlement has been negotiated between
said employee and the other party involved in said accident which
provides for a net settlement to the City in the amount of 41 ,684. 36;
now, therefore, be it
ORDERED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized
. to accept the sum of $1 ,684. 36 in full , final and complete settlement
of its claim herein; that said sum is to be allocated as follows:
$60.00 credited to Miscellaneous Revenue of the General
Revenue Fund as reimbursement for Firemen' s Salaries;
$77. 50 credited to Miscellaneous Revenue of the General
Revenue Fund as reimbursement for Workmen' s Compensation
Fund expenses;
$1, 464.81 in payment of Registered Bill No. B00946; and
$82.05 credited to the City Attorney's Court Fees Fund
Ass stant City Attorney Department Head
Administrative Assistant to Mayor