D002026CITY OF SAII�iT PAi3L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR lJ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No.: t.�aa aoa� Date: � l�P [.y GS#: ff�G�� ApN1Il�ILSIT2A'ITVE ORDF.I� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request ot the Director of the Departmertt of to amend the budget of the fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foliowing manner: Current Amentled Budget Change Budgei . C � J 1 -2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 FINANCING PT AN C97-2T551 RESIDENTIAL STREET VITALITY PROGR.AM-97 Assessment Bond CIB 1996 CIB 1997 CIB 1998 CIB 2000 FEMA State Emergeney PFA - Inflow/Infilt. PIA Sewer Repair Fund Water Utility 2,454,519.02 2,454,519.02 A41,198.61 441,198.61 5,592,733.17 5,892,733.1'7 440,760.50 440,760.50 795.18 798.15 183,772.00 183,772.00 36,755.00 36,755.00 155,890.76 155,890.76 8,230.87 5,230.87 150,166.68 150,166.65 957,374.50 -798.18 956,576.32 10,724,4D1.11 0.00 10,724,401.11 SPENDING PLAN C97-2T551 RESIDENTIAL STREET VITALITY PRQGRAM-97 Construction 10,724,401.11 0.00 10,724,401.11 10,724,401.11 0.00 10,724,401.11 CITY OF SAINT PALIL OFPICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BIJDGET REVISION � Date: GS #: �ebaaa� � l�-�/ !O �ri y� 1��$j$;�'ITV$ �iZD�i, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Sec4ion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the DepaRment of to amend the budget of the fund, the Director of the Office ot Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 27 F'INANCING PLAN 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Cucrent Amendetl Budget Change Budgei C00-2T554 RESIDENTIAL STREET VITALITY PROGRAM-00 Assessment Bond Assessment C1B 2000 PIA Sewer G.O. Bonds Sewer Repair Fund Water Utility 41 SPENDING PLAN 42 • 43 G00-2T554 44 RESIDENTIAL STREET VITALITY PROGRAM-00 45 46 Construction 47 2,903,000.00 2,9D3,000.00 80,792.00 50,792.00 7,670,000.00 -798.15 7,669,201.82 3,617.06 3,617.00 289,098.55 289,098.55 150,244.20 15Q244.20 3S2,S48.41 352,848.41 11,479,600.16 -798.15 11,478,801.95 11,479,600.16 -793.18 11,478,801.95 11,479,60Q.16 -798.18 11,478,801.98 � �/-��!1� APTmreO BY Mayw Dare Public Works dJMACT PEftJJN 8 PFqNE Ed Warn - 266-6142 ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DA'f� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ MAYORIOR AS515TANf} ❑ Ubo aD� No. 106283 InNaVDaie an cau�vcu. � ❑ GI"(Y CLEE3K FINANCIALSEFVIACCTG �Etlwam � L Q� � �/2��! � ora- rt (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTIDN RE�UES7ED Approval of attached Administrative Order amending the spending and fina�ing plans of the 1997 & 2000 RS VP projecu. PECAMMENDATIONS:Approue (A) or Reject (q) PUWNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION DATEINITA7ED GREEN SHEET 3/26/2001 � ..,, .. . .. . Ini0aV0aYe ASSIGN CIIY ATfORNEY NUM6ERFDR ROlfi1NG ❑ HNANCIALSERVICESDIR. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLQWING QUE5TIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for this department? YES NO 2. 'Has this personlfirm evet been a ciry empbyee? VES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? YES NO � � 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted ventloY? INIiIATING PR09LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAi, WHEN, WHERE, WHY). YES NO The 1997 RSVP project was closed out with CF 00-0049, but it was recently discovered that the Water Ufility funding For a 1997 RSVP project came in lower than expected. In order to fuily close out this program, CIB funds need to be transferred from 2000 RS VP to cover this funding shortfall. ADVANTAGEStFAPPROVED. Spending and financing budget will equal and progra�ti can be closed out in the Capital Projects fund. ` _ r . �, >ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED �TOne. ?" s ; !t �iTY �LER� SADVAN�AGES IF NOT APPROVED. pending and financing budgets wili not equal and the program will remain open in the Capital Projects fund. � AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 798.1 S �ING SOURCE C � COSqREVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No Ac7rvm NUMBER C97-2T551 & C00-2T554 WC1AL INFORMATON (IXPW M