D2624 White City Clerk I CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary—.Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No::_/ �oC / ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: MAR 1 0 1976 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of constructing the WEST SEVENTH STREET REALIGNMENT from existing Sixth Street to Wabasha Street, City Project No. P-0576 as follows: Regrade, pave with bituminous material , widen and realign the roadbed, construct integral curb and walk, driveways where necessary, an ornamental lighting system, storm water drainage facilities, landscape boulevards and do all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. Also, construct temporary signals and revise existing signal systems with City Forces at the following locations: Ninth Street intersection with St. Peter Street and Wabasha Street; Eighth and Ninth Street intersection with Cedar, Minnesota and Robert Streets; Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Street intersection with Jackson Street; and construct a signal system interconnect. Also, construct a water main and sewer and water service connections. The report of the Department of Public Works is approved, and the Department of Finance and Management Services is instructed to schedule a public hearing before the City Council . • APPROVED A� T ORM Assist4t C I Attor y epartment Hea 0 g6 ( AJA�� Date 2-117 Administrative Assistant to Mayor