D2620 whits - City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L Pink — finance Dbpt. %Canary Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: 0.�0 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER f Date: MAR 10 1916 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of STORM WATER PONDING LAND ACQUISITION, wherein the Department of Public Works is to purchase the following described lands for the retention of storm water: Blocks 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12, GURNEY PARK, Except those parts owned by the Soo Line Railroad Company and the St. Paul Water Works. This purchase is needed for storm water ponding because of the limited capacity available in the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission sewer known as the Troutbrook Sewer. Ponding of storm water wi-11 serve as a means of regulating peak storm water flows into the Troutbrook Sewer from the drainage area and will reduce discharge of sanitary sewage into the Mississippi River at the overflow. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the necessary action to accomplish the acquisition of the above said lands. • The cost of said acquisition is estimated to be in the amount of $70,000.00, said sum to be paid from PIR Fund No. 60000-745-000 to be reimbursed from 1974 Water Pollution Abatement Funds. 72060-537-000 APPROVED A TO FUNDING: 7 . Depar nan a and Maiiagdment Services APPROVED AS TO FORM Ass C� y tto D pa t nt Hea Sew r5 t/ • Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor