D2586 White — city clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR p ' No: �- SO ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FEB 1 9 1976 Date: • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Victoria & Lafond Street Addition from the North-South alley to Victoria Street. Also constructing a sewer for storm water purposes in the alley from a point approximately 200 ft. West of the centerline of Victoria Street to the centerline of Victoria Street. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of laterial support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the alley in Victoria & Lafond Street Addition from the North-South alley to Victoria Street. The Department of Finance is hereby directed to bring this matter before the Council for public hearing. APPROVED AS �O FORM Ass\istant City Atto ey Department H d (paving) V Irate Administrative Assistant to Mayor Attacbment to • Administrative Order for Contract Change Agreement No. 1 KELLOGG BOULEVARD & ROBERT STREET BRIDGE REPAIRS & RESURFACING From Robert St. to Cedar St. Contractor - Arnold Beckman; Inc. City Project Nos. 75-B-1066 & 75-B-1060 Contract No. L-7860 ADDITIONS: Item No. 1 - Removing deteriorated portions of the bridge deck surface. This work was not anticipated and not included as a contract bid item. Week ending 9/19/75 (2 days) Rate/Hour Hours Extension Labor Foreman (includes pickup) $11.20 2 $ 22.40 Laborer 8.70 18 156.60 179.00 Plus 40% Overhead 71.60 Cost of Labor $ 250.60 Equipment 1257M Compressor 2.46 18 44.28 • 30# Hammer 0.69 18 12.42 Hose (100' ) 0.38 18 6.54 Chisel Bit 0,0.9 18 1.62 Total Equipment 65,16 Week ending 9/26/75 (3 days)_ Labor Foreman (includes pickup) 11.20 8 89.60 Laborers (2) 8.70 54 469.80 55_0 Plus 4o% Overhead 223.76 Cost of Labor 783.16 Equipment 175 CFM Compressor 3.07 24 73.68 30# Hammers (2) o.69 48 33.12 Hose (100' ) (2) 0.38 48 18.24 Chisel Bits (2) 0.09 48 4.32 Bobcat 610 5,10 6 30.60 Total Equipment 159.96 ` f Kellogg Boulevard & Robert Street Bridge Repairs &Resurfacing page 2 Project 75-B-1066 & B-1060 • ADDITIONS: Item No. 1 (Continued) Week ending -10/3/75- (5 days) Rate/Hour Hours Extension Labor Foreman (includes pickup) $11.20 17 $190.1+0 Laborers (4) 8.70 113 83.10 1173-50 Plus 4o% overhead 469.40 Cost of Labor $1642.90 Material Silica Sand, 20 100 lb. bags @ $0-94/bag 18.80 _ Plus 15% Handling 2.82 Total Material 21.62 Equipment 125 CF14 Compressor 2.46 24 59.04 175 CFM Compressor 3.07 9 27.63 30# Hammer (3) 0.69 64 44.16 Hose (1001) (3) 0.38 64 24.32 Chisel Bits .0) 0.09 64 5.76 Bobcat 610 5.10 10 51.00 • 4C.F. Sandblaster 2.13 8 17.04 Hood 0.19 8 1.52 Nozzle 0.13 8 I.04 Hose (50' ) o.46 8 '- _'.68 Total Equipment 235.19 Week ending 10/31/75 (4 days) Labor Foreman (includes pickup) -11.20 16 179.20 Laborers (3) 8.70 99 861.30 1040.50 Plus 4o% Overhead 416.20 Cost of Labor 1456.70' Equipment 185 CFM Comperssor 3.4o 36 122.40 15# Hammer 0.66 16 10.56 30# Hammer (2) 0.69 70 48.30 Hose (100' ) (3) 0.38 86 32.68 Chisel Bits (3) 0.09 86 7.74 Waldon Loader 6.97 5 34.85 -Bobcat 5.10 9 45.90 Single Axle D=p Truck 4.80 14 67.20 Total Equipment 369.63 . TOTAL ITEM NO. 1 $4,984.92 Kellogg Boulevard & Robert Street Bridge Repairs & Resurfacing page 3 Project 75-B-1066 & B-1060 ADDITIONS: Item No. 2 -Refinish front face of existing structural integral walk and curb, approximately 700 ft., which was too rough and uneven for the application of water proofing material. Work was done on November 6, 1975 and November 7, 1975. Rate/Hour Hours Extension _e na an Labor -Foreman (includes pickup) 1140 8 $ 89.60 Laborer 8.70 9 78.30 Finishers 10.08 35 352.80 (one 11/6/75) (three 11/7/75) Operator 10.18 9 91.62 612.32 Plus 4o% Overhead 244.93 Cost of Labor $ 857.25. Material Acryl 60 5 gallons @ $28.57/5 gal. 28.57 Thoroseal 20 50# bags @ 10.50/bag 210.00 Silica Sand 1 ton @ 18.72/ton 18.72 257.29 Plus 15% Handling 38.59 Total Material 295.88 E ui went _ Walton Loader 6.97 9 62.73 Sing-'.e Axle Truck 4.80 9 43.20 Total Equipment - 105-93 TOTAL ITEM NO. 2 $1259.06. Item No. 3 - Apply slurry seal to existing bridge deck instead of primer because the surface was scaled and had an uneven finish; so primer could not be applied. Slurry Seal 440 gallons @ $5.50/gal. '$2420.00 Credit for Primer 165 gallons @ 2.95/gal, -. 486.75 $1933.25 NET TOTAL ADDITION ITEM NO. 3 1933.25 TOTAL ADDITION FOR CONTRACT CHANGE"AGREEMENT NO. 1 $8177.23 Item 1 $4984.92 Item 2 1259.06 Item 3 1933.25 $8177.23 '