D2574 white-'- city clerk V I T Y OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: �. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FEB B 1976 Date: i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City Officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Amendment to the CETA contract with the American Indian Center (as approved by Administrative Order No. D-2258) so as to deobligate $14,544.00 and Amendment to the CETA contract with the American Indian Movement (as approved by Administrative Order No. D-2258) so as to add $14,544.00 and allow the transfer of two positions from the AIC contract to the AIM contract, to be charged to Fund No. 30359. Dir tor, Manpower ProgrFms APPROVED AS TO,FOR APPROVED AS FUNDING Assam City At r Depart nt Had 3 Director, Finance and Management Services Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor