D2483 White - City Clerk CITY O F S A I T PA U L Pink - Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: �'� ! ADMINISTRATIV ORDER Date: DEC 1 1 197 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Workers ' Compensation Division, dated November 13, 1975, Marguerite M. Sandbeck, widow of A1mer G. Sandbeck, an employee of the Department of Police, who died from an occupational disease on September 1 , 1975, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, the following payments: 1. Payment directly to the medical creditors of all medical expenses listed in Paragraph V of said Stipulation of Settlement, together with payment of the reasonable value of the services rendered by the Cook County Ambulance Service and the Virginia Municipal Hospital, the amount of which bills were not known at the time of the submission of said stipulation; 2. To Marguerite M. Sandbeck for her own use and the use of her minor dependent children, the sum of $1,000.00, representing 10 weeks of accrued dependency benefits at the rate of $100.00 per week; 3. To Marguerite M. Sandbeck and the First National Bank of St. Paul, the sum of $32,750.00, said sum to be placed on deposit on said bank in Certificates of Deposit or Savings Certificates or Savings Account at the election of Marguerite M. Sandbeck; provided, however, that Marguertte M. Sandbeck shall be entitled to withdraw principal from said deposit at the rate of $100.00 per week, for her use and the use of her minor dependent children, and shall have the option of allowing the interest on said principal to be accrued or withdrawn as accumulated; 4. To Carl M. Conney, attorney for Marguerite M. Sandbeck, the sum of $3,750.00, as reasonable attorney fees for representation of dependents herein; and 5. To Marguerite M. Sandbeck the sum of $901 .00 as reimbursement for funeral expenses in this matter. APPROVED AS TO FO M As stant City Attorney Department Head fe Administrative Assistant to Mayor