D2471 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL —!2�4 Z! Pink — Finance Dept. No: Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: DEC 8 19775 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In connection with the Fire Training Facility at 1691 Kasota, it will be necessary to establish a Permanent Improvement Revolving (P.I.R.) Fund to include the following: Installation of fencing around the facility at an estimated cost of *20,000.00 ORDERED, that the Department of Finance and ,Management Services - Accounting Division set up a P.I.R. Fund Contract according to the above particulars at an estimated cost of $20,000.00 and expenditures to be charged to P.I.R. Code No. 60000 and this fund be reimbursed from C.I.B. Fund No. 95073-002. • Approved Funding: Director inn nd Management Services APPROVED AS TO FO gist ity torn y —5ev&tmaw Real / � -4f-7� Date Adm' istrative Assi4ant to Mayor