D2448 White - City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. N OFFIGE OF THE ;MA ADMINISTRATIVE ° ate: NOV 2 5 1975 r7, OCT 0 719a 7 5it,. r1I i� R���i� STRATE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Mayor hereb approves directs the proper city officials to deduct sum of $3,361. from the Rental Subsdiy Fund; sal ge being for rental subsidy during the State High School Wrestling Tournament, February 26-28, 1976, in the amount of $945; State High School Hockey Tournament, March 4-6, 1976 in the amount of $240; State High School Basketball Tournament, March 17-20, 1976 in the amount of $2, 176; and said subsidy having been approved by the Civic Center Authority by its resolution No. 1171. APPROV D AS TO FORM t Assist -,City Attorney Department Head (/,- -,-2 Date Administr ve Assistan to Mayor