D2358 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: .�� �O ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER OCT 6 1975 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of improving the streets and walks in the "North End" Priority Rehabilitation Area (City Project P-0649) by regrading, surfacing, con- structing concrete curb and gutter, ornamental lighting, and reconstructing where necessary, concrete walks and driveways on MATILDA STREET from Front Avenue to Geranium Avenue. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized to schedule these improvements for a public hearing before the City Council . JWD/ck APPROVED AS T FO M 44 Jxx sus ant Cit Attor ey epa ent Head • Date Admin' tr t' s n to May r