D2353 White -- city clerk CITY O F SAINT PAUL — ?j 3
Pink — Finance Dept. No
Canary— Dept.
Date: OCT 9 1975
In the matter of that certain contract known as Contract L 7732 for construction
of TRANSFER ROAD BRID(Z No. 62527 over Minnesota Transfer Railroad Company, City
Project No. B 1026, Lunda Construction Company, Contractor, the specified date of
completion is June 1, 1975, and the Contractor did not complete the contract by
said date of completion because of delay in receiving the structural steel and because
of work stoppage as a result of various labor strikes, and it is hereby
ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the time of
completion to October 30, 1975, provided however that this Order shall have no force
or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such
consent in writing with the Head of the Finance Department of the City of Saint Paul;
and it is
FURTHER ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul waive all claims for liquidated
damages, per Paragraph A 7.4 of the Special Provisions of the Specifications for
that period of time from June 1, 1975, thru October 3, 1975, and it is
FURTHER ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul claim liquidated damages per
Paragraph A 7.4 of the Special Provisions of the Specifications from October 3, 1975,
and the date on which the roadway wearing surface is complete and the bridge is
acceptable for use by all vehicles and pedestrians, and it is
• FURTHER ORDERED, that the Contractor be charged for field engineering and
inspection costs involved on this project from the date on which the bridge is acceptable
for use by all vehicles and pedestrians, until the completion of the contract.
Assi ant i ey prpar tment Head
Director of blie Works
Date I If
Ad �stra rve sistant to May