D2340 White - City clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— 4ept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: OCT 19S ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of improving ARLINGTON AVENUE from Hazelwood Street to White Bear Avenue (City Project P-0478) as follows: Regrade, pave, construct concrete curb and gutter, construct storm sewer and drainage facilities, construct sidewalks and driveways where necessary and do all other work necessary or incidental to complete said improvement. The Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to bring this matter before the Council for public hearing. The Director of the Department of Public Works is directed to set up a neighborhood informational meeting. APPROVED AS TO FTM r av Aksist nt tity."Atto r ey epart ent Head Date Ad Astrafive As nt to yo