D2310 White - City Clerk CITY O F ►SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: 0 - df,31a ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 18 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, concerning the acquisition of right-of-way on MISSISSIPPI STREET from Cayuga Street to Case Avenue, the construction of a new bridge over the Burlington-Northern Railroad, and the construction of Mississippi Street on a new alignment from Cayuga Street to Case Avenue (City Projects P-0628, B-1061) , the report of the Department of Public Works is approved, and the Department of Finance and Management Services is instructed to schedule a public hearing before the City Council . • APPROVED AS TO F RM (pav) sistant it�'A orn partment Head • r 3 , Date Admipfitrativ61111P t to Mayor