D2305 White - city Clerk CITY OF SAINT PA i1 L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR ? ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 11 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Mayor hereby approves and directs the proper city officials to deduct the estimated sum of $3,500 from the Rental Subsidy Fund said charge being for the subsidy for the use of the Civic Center Complex during the Catholic Charismatic Conference on October 10 through 13, 1975; and said subsidy havilzg been approved by the Civic Center Authority by its resolution No. 1150. APPROV ED AS TO FOJRM Assiktant City Attorney Department Head /� • G Date Admini rativet si o Mayor White — city clerk CITY OF SAINT PA IT L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SEP 4 2 4975 • Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, that the claims listed below, which cover various training programs conducted for Youth Service Bureau personnel, be paid. Funding Code: 33060-159-000 DATE NAME AMOUNT 8/11/75 & 8/12/75 Sam Johnson $ 250.00 8/12/75 Gordon Thayer 50.00 8/12/75 Stella Alvo 25.00 8/12/75 Angie Rivera 25.00 8/13/75 Charlene Cohen 200.00 8/14/75 8/15/75 . & 8/18/75 David Goodlow 600.00 TOTAL: $1 ,150.00 Approved as to Funding: ��� . Fin gmt. Services APPROVED AS TO FORM Assi ant CMy Attorney Department Head NJI Date ` Administrati Assistant to k,ayor