D2282 White —-iityClerk CITY OF .SAINT PAUL pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFLGE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 4 1974 Alk ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of the Pleasant and View Maintenance Sub- Station City Project 75-M-0613, whereby lands are to be acquired for Public Works Maintenance Yard purposes: The Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized and directed to proceed with the necessary land acquisition and related vacations of portions of Clifton St. , Fulton St. , Pleasant Ave. , Grace St. , Vance St. , and Bay St. The cost of said acquisition is estimated to be in the amount of $4,500 to be charged to PIR Fund 60000 to be reimbursed from Gebt Capital Improvement Fund 50085. APPROVED AS TO FORM 1 Stan it A me D p tment Head T � Ote Administrative Assist t to Mfi or MJElmkb