D2280 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance,Dept. Canary c Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR p No: O ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: SEP 4 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Public Works has incurred costs for the removal and relocation of the traffic signal at West Seventh Street and St. Paul Avenue. The total cost of this project amounts to $1 ,910.64 therefore be it, ORDERED, that the cost of this work be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from the Public Works Contingency Fund. T-1080 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: r� Mrecto of inance E Manag nt Services APPROVED AS TO fbRM r Assistant ty t n artment Head 1 Date / Ad nistrativ Assistant to Mayor