D2254 White - city clerk CITY OFF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER AUG 19 1975 Date: • tC)MINISTRATIVE ORDER, In connection with the 1974 Capital Improvement Budget I.B. project, Fund No. 93074-007, entitled CITY WIDE SYSTEM OF BIKE PATHS. The above described project was originally set up on a P.I.R. Fund Contract No. L-7758 in the Department of Finance-Accounting Division, per Administrative Order No. D-1435 approved July 30, 1974, at an estimated cost of $1 ,000.00 for Designing and Engineering expense. ORDERED, that the above Designing and Engineering expenses on Contract No. L-7758 be amended to an estimated cost of $15,000.00 and expenditures be charged to P.I.R. Fund 60000-502-000 and this fund be reimbursed and financed as follows: CHARGE CODE AMOUNT C.I.B. 93074-460-007 $14,000.00 Approved as to Funding: Direct, ce & Mgmt. Services APPROVED AS TO FO M Assistant City Attorney epartm t Head • Date Administrafive Assistan Mayor