D2244 White — City Clerk CITY O F SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR h No: 111J " q ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date. AUG 15 1975 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That whereas the night of August 2/3, Midway Stadium was burglarized and a total of $677.00 including the Change Fund, amounting to $400.00, was stolen and also the safe in which it was kept; and Whereas, the burglary was reported to the Police on August 3rd and to the Public Examiner on August 14th; now therefore, be it Ordered, that the Change Fund necessary for the operation of the Midway Stadium Parking Lot be reimbursed out of Stadium funds, in the amount of $400.00. Financing Code: 23001-456-000 • Approved as to Funding: Direct r, F nance m ry ces APP AS T FO r As s tt City Attorney Department Head Date Administr Assi ant to Mayor