D2243 White - city clerk C I T Y OF SAINT PA U L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: b ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: AUG 15 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officers are authorized to execute Subgrant Agreement with Willows Inner Community Center, Inc. , providing Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $92,327 .00 for the term commencing July 1, 1975 and terminating December 31, 1975; and IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED, That the proper City officers are authorized to execute Subgrant Agreement with Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, Inc. , providing Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $59,008.00, the term of the contract commencing July 1, 1975 and terminat- ing December 31, 1975; Both contracts to be charged to Fund No. Hallie Q. Brown - 30430 Willows - 30431 APPRO T ING APPROVED ASO FORM T Director, rtm n finance sistan City A rn y DepartmV�.t �ad Community Development Coordinator t Date A4Anistrative ssistant to Mayor