D2225 White'- City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: - �S ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: AUG 7 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That Administrative Order Number D-1640 be cancelled, and be it That the Department of Public Works is hereby directed and authorized to reconstruct the traffic control signals at the following intersections: Concord St. and Robert St.; Concord St. , State St. and George St.; Montreal Ave. and Snelling Ave.; Ford Pkwy. and Fairview Ave.; Lexington Pkwy. and Grand Ave.; Lexington Pkwy. and Summit Ave.; Lexington Pkwy. and Selby Ave.; Lexington Pkwy. and Marshall Ave.; Corso Ave. and Rice St.; Rice St. and Penn Ave.; Rice St. and Sycamore St.; Rice St. and Front St.; Rice St. and Maryland Ave.; Burns Ave. and T.H. #61 ; Warner Rd. and T.H. #61 , and be it FURTHER ORDERED, That the reconstruction be performed by City Forces at an estimated cost- of $82,535.00 and charge this cost to the Permanent improvement Revolving Fund, code 60000 and this fund to be reimbursed from Trunk Highway Funds Agreement #57492, $24,225.00; Agreement #57175, $5,300.00; 1974 Municipal State Aid Funds $42,295.00; 1973 County Aid Funds $7,595.00; and 1973 Capital Improvement Funds $3,120.00. T-1022C Approved as to Funding: APPROVED S TO Fq ZM �IN'_2zj y Assi an i ttor ey Department I Ie R H.ROet tger Date Administrative Assi ant o Mayor