D2196 White — City clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR � �9 No: !d ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: JUL 2 2 1979 • RE'1'tJRPI COPY TO VALUATION BUREAU ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In the matter of the Wilder Recreation Center Expansion, wherein lands are to be acquired for Park and Recreation Open Space purposes. Said lands being described in the attached report of the Director of Community Services and incorporated herein by reference. Said report of the Director of Conmunity Services relative to the subject matter is hereby accepted and the Department of Finance and Management Services, in conjunction with the Division of Parks and Recreation of the Cam mnity Services Department is hereby directed'-to hold informational meetings to inform the affected property owners of ghat is involved in the acquisition of their property. The Department of Finance and Management Services is further authorized and directed to proceed with the necessary action to accompltish the acquisition of the said lands. The cost of said acquisition is estimated to be in the amount of $29,500.00, said sum to be paid from PIR Fund No. 60000, to be reimbursed from CIB Unallocated Administratigg Reserve a c16?0-70-eel APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: ~Director, e & ices APP RO TO FORM c Assistan ity Attorney Department Head Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor