D2073 White — City Clerk CITY OF ►SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFIGE OF THE MAYOR No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: MAY 3 0 1975 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, In connection with the 1974 Capital Improvement Budget (C.I.B. ) Project, Fund No. 93074-016 entitled ARLINGTON-ARKWRIGHT RECREATION AREA, it will be necessary to establish a Permanent Improvement Revolving (P.I.R. ) Fund contract. The particulars to be covered within said contract are as follows: 1 ) City Force Account for Design & Engineering - Community Services Est. Cost: $ 6,000.00 2) Soil tests and other miscellaneous costs that are relative to said project Est. Cost: 2,000.00 TOTAL EST. COST: $ 8,000.00 ORDERED, That the Department of Finance & Management Services - Accounting Division set up a P.I.R. contract according to the above particulars at an estimated cost of $8,000.00 and expenditures be charged to P.I.R. Code No. 60000-502-000 and this fund to be reimbursed from C.I.B. Fund No. 93074-460-016. Approved as to Funding: re a Delft. Ttn�n& Mgmt. Services APPR D AS TO FORM As 'stant City Attorney Depar ment Head Date Adminis rative Assistant to Mayor