D2067 White - City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PA TT L / ►�D6 Pink — Finance Dept. No. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR Date: MAY 2 3 1875 • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Fire and Safety Services is hereby authorized and directed to notify Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates, Inc. that pursuant to an agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson Associates, Inc. , Council File #244909, the latter may proceed to furnish engineering services necessary for the preparation of plans and specifications covering the design of plumbing, compressed air, lubrication and fire sprinkler systems in the "Mainte:nance Garage and Office", job •1673-38, as directed by the City Architect. Fees for the services described above shall not exceed $4,000.00. FUND CODE: P.I.R. 60000 To be reimbursed from 95075-001 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROV lJnTO FORM Direct nce& my,n Wment Services (T/k- ez _c Assistant C ty Attorney Department Head Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor