D2033 White - city clerk CITY OF SAINT PA u L Pink — Finance Dept. Canary- Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER MAY 8 1975 Date: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, The Department of Public Works is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase materials and supplies necessary to construct Residential Midblock Lighting for 1975• The Department of Public Works is further authorized to do this work with City Forces at an estimated cost of $20,000.00, therefore be it ORDERED, that the cost of this work be charged to the Permanenet Improvement Re- volving Fund Code 60000 and this Fund to be reimbursed from 1975 C. I .B. Fund 92075-460-oo4,V 4 M-0568 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: Director inance d Management Services APPROVED AS TO ORM ?rrC sis t city tto ey e e artment Head (KCN) 1' 1 K J _dfWistrativ6isttt to Mayor ch