D1979 White — City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL �— �� 9 Pink — Finance Dept. No: Ca6ary.— dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR APR 18 1975 Date: G-74-0226 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Summit-University Teen Center, Inc. (The Loft) , pertaining to the Model Cities' funded project entitled "Job Opportunity for Youth", dated the third day of January, 1975, for the period of December 23, 1974 through April 7, 1975, as approved by Administrative Order D-1745, be and is hereby amended so as to provide that the time for completion of the project is extended to June 30, 1975, provided that there is no increase in the approved budget or scope of services, and the Model Cities' Coordinator is directed to notify the agency of this extension of time. • __,,� C ordinator, Model OLties APPROVED A TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Assi tant ity torne Depar m t ead Dir. , Finance and nagement Service! Date Administrative Assistant to Mayor