D1957 White - City Clerk (CITY OF SAINT PAUL Pink — Finance Dept. Canary— Dept. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR / No: ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER APR 9 1975 Date: i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to proceed to notify Mr. Harold Freitag that he must either remove his property from City-owned land described as the East 5 acres of the West 25 acres of Lot 2, Section 16, Town 29, Range 22 or, in the alternative, enter into a lease agreement with the City of Saint Paul and pay to the City the market-value rent for this property. APPROVED AS TO F RM l !? I ir. , men ce and rX vices Assist m y Nto r y D artmeht F JW d Department of community Services Date Adminisfrifiv s V ant to Mayor